How are San Francisco’s solo and small firm lawyers handling the coronavirus pandemic from a business and personal standpoint? To find out, we interviewed—at a social distance, of course—a handful of lawyers across several practice areas. Our aim was to…
Judge Kahn Discusses His Journey to the Bench, Common Mistakes Litigators Make, and How to Avoid Burnout
San Francisco Superior Court Judge Harold E. Kahn is a well-respected judge, who has used his knowledge and passion for the law to make a difference in our community. He has been a strong supporter of the Barristers Club and…
Legal Writing Tip: Usage Guideline for Quotations
Quotation marks set off quoted or spoken language. Here are some usage guidelines: Periods and commas go inside quotation marks, including single quotation marks. She said, “Bill said, ‘I don’t think we should see each other anymore.’” Colons, semicolons and…
Tap into BASF’s Knowledge Rich and Extremely Active Solo and Small Firm Listserv
Are you a solo or small rm practitioner and need answers to your questions? BASF has the perfect resource – the Solo/Small Firm Listerv. As a BASF member, you have access to this exclusive member benefit. BASF members can join…