As I look back on 2020, it makes me think of how bar associations have always held a very special space in my heart. When I was growing up in Hawaii, my mom spent thirteen years as executive director of…
2020: A Year in the Rear View
For many, 2020 has proved to be a year they’d much rather throw in the circular file. But this year was not without some bright moments, especially for the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) Paralegal Section’s Executive Committee (ExComm).…
2020: A Time for Change and Action
I remember being very excited for 2020. The even numbers. The symmetry. The start of a new decade. I had made New Year’s resolutions – basically the same as the ones last year, but this year I promised myself I…
Finding Opportunity in Challenging Times
This has been a year none of us expected. After so many months of doing things differently to minimize the risks of COVID-19, the memories of how things were at the beginning of the year, and last year, and the…