Plague and Racism in the City by the Bay: A History Lesson

Tragically, COVID-19 wasn’t the first time San Francisco responded to the outbreak of a devastating plague with an equally devastating outbreak of racism and anti-Asian discrimination.

Richard Zitrin Gives $1.2 Million to Endow Minority Law Student Scholarship Program

The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of the Bar Association of San Francisco proudly unveils a monumental $1.2 million endowment generously bestowed by Richard Zitrin and the Arthur & Charlotte Zitrin Foundation.

How YOU Can Pass Legislation

Many lawyers try to find ways to make a difference in their community, but passing laws that impact the entire State seems like a hill too steep to summit. Did you know you can join a group of lawyers regularly getting legislation passed to benefit millions of Californians?

BASF President Vid Prabhakaran Addresses Recent Criticism of Local Judges in SF Chronicle

Read the full piece by our 2023 BASF President in the SF Chronicle.

MacKenzie Scott Recognizes the Justice & Diversity Center in San Francisco with a $1.4 Million Unrestricted Gift

Scott’s generous gift to the JDC showcases the strength of the legal services provided to thousands of vulnerable community members and diversity pipeline programs for the legal profession.

Procedural and Substantive Guidance for Litigation of Sexual Harassment Claims

Sexual harassment continues to be an issue of significant concern in the workplace. Read this piece on guidance for such claims. 

The California Prenup: A Marriage Plan

Every married Californian has a prenuptial/premarital agreement (“prenup”)—it’s the California Family Code. A prenup is a couple’s opportunity to personalize the rules of their relationship and create their own financial status quo.

Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

From December 6th through December 8th, the American Bar Association’s International Law Section, jointly with the Paris Bar Association, hosted a conference in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (“UDHR”) in Paris, France.

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Meet the JDC Volunteers

Every month, one of our Pro Bono Legal Services projects spotlight a volunteer in BASF's monthly Bulletin. Click to read more.

Leaders Circle Firms

BASF welcomes our newest Leaders Circle Firm, Conrad | Metlitzky | Kane LLP. Click here to read more.

San Francisco Attorney 2021-2022