Undocumented Woman Seeks JDC’s Help to Escape Abusive Husband
Read about how JDC helped a survivor of domestic violence escape harm and gain sole legal custody of her child.
Meet the Ninth Circuit’s New Chief Judge, Mary Murguia
BASF invited Judge Mary Murguia, the new 12th Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, to speak for the eighth annual Sandy Svetcov Memorial Lecture and Interview Series.
Understanding Transgender Legal Issues Recap
Watch a virtual panel discussion aimed to help attorneys, judges, and staff understand how to better serve and advocate for their transgender clients.
McNamara Celebrates BASF’s Voice for Equal Justice and Opposition to Discrimination
Read excerpts from Mary McNamara's remarks at her Dec. 16, 2021, installation as the 2022 president of BASF and JDC.
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