David W. Tollen, Founder
Sycamore Legal, P.C.
336 Bon Air CenterUnit 441
Greenbrae, California 94904 Phone: (415) 278-0950 Email: david@sycamorelegal.com Website: www.sycamorelegal.com/
Specialty Areas
Computer, Intellectual Property, Licensing, Software Licensing
Technology contracts and relationships, including agreements regarding software licensing, software-as-a-service (SaaS), cloud computing, IT professional services, e-commerce, and data security. (Attorney, author, and trainer re the above.)
J.D.; LL.M.; B.A.
J.D., Harvard Law School, 1993; Ll.M., Cambridge University, 1994; B.A., History, U.C. Berkeley, 1990.
Current/Previous Positions
Lecturer at UC Berkeley Law School. Founder and Trainer on IT contract drafting and negotiation, Tech Contracts, LLC; Founder and attorney, Sycamore Legal, PC. Former General Counsel, Centura Software Corp (public). Former VP Business Development, Clicktime, Inc. Former Associate, Morrison & Foerster, LLC.
Honors Awards
Author of the number-one bestseller from the IP Section of the American Bar Association; multiple periodical recognitions for best or most innovative law firm for technology contracts.
Tollen, “THE TECH CONTRACTS HANDBOOK: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople”, 3rd Ed. (ABA Publishing, 2021); multiple articles on IT contracts, including at www.TechContracts.com.
Prior Expert Experience
Multiple Expert Witness Engagements on Software Licensing, Cloud Computing Contracts, and Technology Services Agreements.