Arnold R. Rabin, Ophthalmology Specialist
Mill Valley Eye Center
61 Camino Alto,Ste. 100A
Mill Valley, CA 94941 Phone: (415) 380-1950 Fax: (415) 963-4367 Email: scidoc@gmail.com Website: www.marineyemds.com
Specialty Areas
Malpractice, Medical, Medical - Medicine & Health, Medical - Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology
Expert in Ophthalmology; Eye injuries; Eye surgery; Surgical complications; Decreased Vision; Medical Malpractice; Neuro-ophthalmology; Industrial medicine; Disability; Glaucoma; Cataract; Laser; Retina; Visual assessment; Medical instrumentation; Electrodiagnosis; ERG-VEP; Biomedical engineering; Genetics.
Harvard Medical School, Ophthalmology Resident, 1978-81; MD, Boston University, 1977; Clinical Fellow, Harvard Medical School, 1978-81; MSEE, Biomedical Engineering, Northeastern University, 1972; BEE, Electrical Engineering, City College of New York, 1969.
Current/Previous Positions
Research Associate, Harvard Medical School; Clinical Fellow Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital; Visiting Professor; University of British Columbia; Attending Ophthalmologist, UCSF. Fellowship Retina and Vitreous.
Honors Awards
Certified, American Board of Ophthalmology.
Prof. Affiliations
American Academy of Ophthalmology; San Francisco Medical Society; Chandler Grant Glaucoma Society; Clinical Faculty, UCSF; California Medical Association.
Numerous publications including “Retinal Toxicity of Miconazole.”
Prior Expert Experience
Extensive: Personal injury, California Medical Reviewer (CMRI), Medical malpractice, chart review, testimony at deposition and trial over 25 years experience.