Help Is Just a Phone Call Away
Do you ever wish you could pick up the phone and get answers to questions about how to proceed? Are you a solo or small firm attorney who could use a mentor at times? If so, the SF-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) is the place for you to call. This free resource puts attorneys—who may be unfamiliar with certain areas of law—in contact with experienced practitioners willing to act as advisers.

How It Works
When attorneys join LRIS, we ask if they are interested in providing free advice to other attorneys through this program. LRIS attorneys are required to demonstrate experience in the area of law for which they wish to receive referrals, and qualified practitioners give advice only in those areas of law in which they have demonstrated experience.
Attorneys requesting a referral to an advice attorney receive the names and telephone numbers of three attorneys with appropriate experience who have agreed to advise other lawyers. All arrangements for advice are then made directly between the attorneys.
We thank all our lawyers who have signed up to help through this program.
LRIS Member Connections
For LRIS panel attorneys, the program can help facilitate introductions between other panelists for mentoring or relationship building. This opportunity allows attorneys to network with other solo and small firm attorneys and explore other areas of law.