As the largest and oldest public service program of the Bar Association of San Francisco, we’ve been referring individuals like you to qualified lawyers since 1946.
The San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) receives approximately 50,000 inquiries each year from local residents and businesses seeking legal help from San Francisco and Marin County attorneys. Our friendly, multilingual staff of trained legal interviewers carefully screen each call or inquiry to determine the nature of the problem so that we can find the right lawyer for you.
Here is why we are better than other online legal services:

San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service of the Bar Association of San Francisco
LRIS has friendly, trained, multilingual staff who listen and understand your legal needs.
Online Lawyer Directories
and “Matching Services”
Legal directories and matching services are impersonal.
LRIS has objective experience standards for participating attorneys.
Legal directories and matching services do not screen attorneys for experience.
LRIS requires that participating attorneys have malpractice insurance.
Legal directories and matching services do not require participating attorneys to carry malpractice insurance.
We require that all participating attorneys be in good standing with the State Bar of California.
Legal directories and matching services usually do not check attorneys’ record with the State Bar of California.
LRIS is certified by the State Bar of California and regulated under rules of the California Supreme Court.
Online attorney selection websites or directories are not certified by the State Bar of California, approved by the American Bar Association, or subject to regulatory oversight of any kind.
LRIS performs regular, ongoing reviews of attorney performance.
Legal directories and matching services do not.
Call us
TTY: (415) 782-8985
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST
If you need a referral to a qualified attorney in San Francisco or Marin County, call us!