The Bar Association of San Francisco's San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) is pleased to announce two exciting opportunities for attorneys who practice cannabis law. Your expertise is needed. Learn more below about the Pro Bono Equity Applicant Cannabis Panel, a collaboration with the San Francisco Office of Cannabis, as well as our Cannabis Business Panel for private referrals.
Join The Pro Bono Equity Applicant
Cannabis Business Panel
The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) is pleased to announce the development of a Pro Bono Equity Applicant Cannabis Business Panel, administered by the San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) in collaboration with BASF's Cannabis Law Section. In this partnership with the San Francisco Office of Cannabis, equity applicants are verified under the San Francisco Cannabis Equity Program and are referred to LRIS for pro bono assistance from qualified attorneys. Our objective here is to provide socially conscious limited pro bono legal resources to cannabis entrepreneurs that are underserved and otherwise unrepresented. We intend to lower barriers to individuals looking to enter the cannabis industry, including navigating the regulatory process and structuring business agreements.
LRIS is waiving dues for attorneys who wish to participate in this pro bono panel. Interested applicants will need to meet qualifications standards, complete an application, provide proof of requisite E&O insurance, agree to the LRIS Rules, and sign the LRIS Attorney Agreement (all hyperlinked below). BASF is thrilled about this innovative opportunity to advance justice, including social justice, within the cannabis community in Northern California. Join this panel today; thank you for stepping up!
If you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to contact LRIS Director, Antonio Hernandez at ahernandez@sfbar.org or (415) 782-9005.
Pro Bono Equity Applicant Cannabis Business Panel Application
Join The Cannabis Business Panel
for Private Referrals!
LRIS offers a Cannabis Business Panel for private referrals to assist cannabis business owners with all aspects of forming and running a successful cannabis business. Interested applicants need to complete the qualifications application, provide proof of requisite E&O insurance, agree to the LRIS Rules, and sign the LRIS Attorney Agreement. A nominal annual fee is charged for referrals. For more information, please contact LRIS Director of Public Service Programs, Antonio Hernandez at ahernandez@sfbar.org or (415) 782-9005.

Learn more about joining the San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service.