"*" indicates required fields Email*A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided. CAFES Name* First Middle Last CAFES Contact Email CAFES Contact PhoneAttorney Name:* Case Name:* Case #:* Client Name First Middle Last Type of Client: Parent Minor NMD (non-minor dependent) De Facto Parent Legal Guardian Other: Type of Client: Case was closed before CAFES able to work with client: (check box and hit submit without completing the rest of the form). Client did not engage with CAFES Attorney changed mind and no longer needed CAFES Other: Case was closed before CAFES able to work with client: (check box and hit submit without completing the rest of the form). Start date that client was assigned to CAFES per authorization: MM slash DD slash YYYY # of months worked with client/s:* 1-3 3-6 7-12 12+ Other: # of months worked with client/s: Interventions/ Work Done on Case (check all that apply) Attended CFT/ Provider meetings Ongoing case management Interfaced with HSA Consulted with caregivers Assessed Placement Interfaced with service providers Supported client at court hearing Prepared client for CFT or provider meeting but could not attend Participated in Educational Matters Participated in Medication/Health matters Provided clinical assessment to attorney Wrote report for attorney Assisted client in finding additional resources (ie. substance treatment, housing, therapy, etc.) Further investigation for attorney Assist client in compliance of case plan Assist attorney and client in developing case strategy Other: Interventions/ Work Done on Case (check all that apply) PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Parents: Housing 1. (Homeless) 2. (In transitional or temporary, housing unaffordable) 3. (In stable housing, but not adequate) 4. (In stable subsidized housing that is safe and adequate) 5. (Unsubsidized household is safe and adequate) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Parents: Housing PRESENT Status/Post-CAFES involvement for Parents: Housing 1. (Homeless) 2. (In transitional or temporary, housing unaffordable) 3. (In stable housing, but not adequate) 4. (In stable subsidized housing that is safe and adequate) 5. (Unsubsidized household is safe and adequate) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/Post-CAFES involvement for Parents: Housing PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Parents/NMD: Employment 1. (No job) 2. (Temporary, part-time, seasonal, not enough to live) 3. (Employed full time, inadequate pay to live, few or no benefits) 4. (Employed full time, enough to pay to live, benefits) 5. (Maintains permanent employment) 6. (On SSI or has other financial support to live) 7. Not willing to participate in services 8. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Parents/NMD: Employment PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Employment 1. (No job) 2. (Temporary, part-time, seasonal, not enough to live) 3. (Employed full time, inadequate pay to live, few or no benefits) 4. (Employed full time, enough to pay to live, benefits) 5. (Maintains permanent employment) 6. (On SSI or has other financial support to live) 7. Not willing to participate in services 8. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Employment PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Mobility/Transportation 1. (No access to transportation, public or private; may have car that is inoperable) 2. (Unreliable transportation, unpredictable, unaffordable; no car or no license) 3. (Transportation available, reliable, but limited; drivers license/ minimal insurance) 4. (Transportation generally accessible to meet basic travel needs) 5. (Transportation readily available and affordable; car is adequately insured) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Mobility/Transportation PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Mobility/Transportation 1. (No access to transportation, public or private; may have car that is inoperable) 2. (Unreliable transportation, unpredictable, unaffordable; no car or no license) 3. (Transportation available, reliable, but limited; drivers license/ minimal insurance) 4. (Transportation generally accessible to meet basic travel needs) 5. (Transportation readily available and affordable; car is adequately insured) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Mobility/Transportation PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Life Skills 1. (Unable to meet basic needs such as: hygiene, food, every day activities) 2. (In need of some assistance for daily activities) 3. (Very minimal, assistance to meet daily activities) 4. (Meets all basic needs of daily living without assistance) 5. (Provides beyond basic needs of daily living for self and family) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Life Skills PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Life Skills 1. (Unable to meet basic needs such as: hygiene, food, every day activities) 2. (In need of some assistance for daily activities) 3. (Very minimal, assistance to meet daily activities) 4. (Meets all basic needs of daily living without assistance) 5. (Provides beyond basic needs of daily living for self and family) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement with parents/NMD: Life Skills PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD/and Minors: Family/Social Relations 1. (Lack of support from family and friends) 2. (Limited support from family friends who also lack ability to help) 3. (Family and friends are learning to support and communicate support) 4. (Strong support from family and friends) 5. (Has healthy and expanding support and good communication) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD/and Minors: Family/Social Relations PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents /NMD and Minors: Family/Social Relations 1. (Lack of support from family and friends) 2. (Limited support from family friends who also lack ability to help) 3. (Family and friends are learning to support and communicate support) 4. (Strong support from family and friends) 5. (Has healthy and expanding support and good communication) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents /NMD and Minors: Family/Social Relations PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Community Involvement 1. (No involvement due to crisis) 2. (Socially isolated, no social skills, lacks motivation to become involved) 3. (Willing to be involved in the community but lacking skills and unaware of opportunities) 4. (Some community involvement, but has barriers: transportation or child care. 5. (Actively involved in community) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Community Involvement PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Community Involvement 1. (No involvement due to crisis) 2. (Socially isolated, no social skills, lacks motivation to become involved) 3. (Willing to be involved in the community but lacking skills and unaware of opportunities) 4. (Some community involvement, but has barriers: transportation or child care. 5. (Actively involved in community) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Community Involvement PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement: Parenting Skills 1. (Safety concerns) 2. (Parenting skills are minimal) 3. (Parenting skills evident but continuous growth recommended) 4. (Parenting skills are adequate) 5. (Parenting skills are well developed) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement: Parenting Skills PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement: Parenting Skills 1. (Safety concerns) 2. (Parenting skills are minimal) 3. (Parenting skills evident but continuous growth recommended) 4. (Parenting skills are adequate) 5. (Parenting skills are well developed) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement: Parenting Skills PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Legal 1. (Current outstanding tickets or warrants) 2. (Current criminal charges, criminal trial pending, non-compliance with probation or parole. 3. (Fully compliant with probation/parole terms) 4. (Successfully completed probation/ parole within 12 months, no new charges filed) 5. (No active criminal justice involvement in more then 12 months) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Legal PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Legal 1. (Current outstanding tickets or warrants) 2. (Current criminal charges, criminal trial pending, non-compliance with probation or parole. 3. (Fully compliant with probation/parole terms) 4. (Successfully completed probation/ parole within 12 months, no new charges filed) 5. (No active criminal justice involvement in more then 12 months) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD: Legal PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD and Minors: Substance Abuse 1. (Meets criteria for severe abuse/dependence; needs hospitalization or residential) 2. (Meets criteria for dependence; preoccupation with use/obtaining drugs) 3. (Use within last 6 months, evidence of occupational, emotional or physical issues persist) 4. (Client has used during last six month but no evidence of recurrent dangerous use) 5. (No drug use/alcohol abuse in the last six months) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for parents/NMD and Minors: Substance Abuse PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD and Minors: Substance Abuse 1. (Meets criteria for severe abuse/dependence; needs hospitalization or residential) 2. (Meets criteria for dependence; preoccupation with use/obtaining drugs) 3. (Use within last 6 months, evidence of occupational, emotional or physical issues persist) 4. (Client has used during last six month but no evidence of recurrent dangerous use) 5. (No drug use/alcohol abuse in the last six months) 6. Not willing to participate in services 7. NA Other: PRESENT Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for parents/NMD and Minors: Substance Abuse PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Minors: Education Struggling in school with no support Has support in school/ IEP or 504 or SST, still struggling Has adequate support but needs changes to thrive Doing very well in school with proper supports in place Other: PAST Status/ Prior to CAFES involvement for Minors: Education Present Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for Minors: Education Struggling in school with no support Has support in school/ IEP or 504 or SST, still struggling Has adequate support but needs changes to thrive Doing very well in school with proper supports in place Other: Present Status/ Post-CAFES involvement for Minors: Education Current visitation for your client BEFORE CAFES involvement: Therapeutic Supervised Monitored Unsupervised N/A (Child/ren Home) Current visitation for your client AFTER CAFES involvement: Therapeutic Supervised Monitored Unsupervised N/A (Child/ren Home) At least ONE child was removed from home PRIOR to CAFES involvement:* Yes No *At least one child was returned home or is in the process (less then three months) of returning home AFTER CAFES involvement:* Yes No If returned home, approximately how long was the child/ren in placement: Less than a week 1-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 12-18 months 2+ years N/A BEFORE CAFES involvement:* Child was at Juvenile Hall Child was in a restrictive setting (STRTP/Hospital) Child/ren was in an out of county resource home or FFA Child/ren was in a SF resource home or FFA Child was living Independently Child/ren was with a relative or NRFEM Child/ren is going to guardianship Child/ren is being adopted Child/ren was home AFTER CAFES involvement:* Child was at Juvenile Hall Child was in a restrictive setting (STRTP/Hospital) Child/ren was in an out of county resource home or FFA Child/ren was in a SF resource home or FFA Child was living Independently Child/ren was with a relative or NRFEM Child/ren is going to guardianship Child/ren is being adopted Child/ren was home Please share in detail how you supported and guided your client and attorney, steps taken, contributions made (ie. attended meetings, communicated with the agency, found alternative resources, etc.)Date CAFES completed goals/ closed case (court submitted) MM slash DD slash YYYY Skip back to main navigation