Your trusted source for legal help

Find a Lawyer
Call us and talk to our friendly, trained, multi-lingual staff who listen and understand legal needs. We will do our best to find the right lawyer for your legal problem.

Do I Qualify for Free Legal Help?
The Justice & Diversity Center connects people and nonprofits with volunteer attorneys in certain areas of the law, including family law, eviction defense, consumer justice, tax and business law. See if your situation meets the requirements.

Resolve a Conflict through Mediation
Going to court is not always the answer. Mediation brings people in conflict together with a neutral person who assists them in reaching a voluntary agreement without going to court. This process can save you time and money.

Necessita un Abogado?
Nuestro programa del Servicio de referencia e información sobre abogados (Lawyer Referral & Information Service, LRIS) le ofrece asistencia legal a través de nuestra red de abogados experimentados.

Disputes over Legal Bills
Do you have a conflict with your lawyer over legal fees or unpaid bills? BASF's Fee Dispute Program can help.

Conflict Intervention Service in Affordable Housing
Through this innovative program, skilled mediators resolve disputes in affordable housing that can lead to eviction or homelessness.
Looking for something? We recently updated our website. If there's a resource you have trouble finding, please contact us. We're happy to help.