The Justice & Diversity Center provides free legal help, and related social services to low-income and homeless San Francisco residents, as well as nonprofit organizations that serve low-income communities. Volunteer attorneys enable us to do a large part of this work and reach more clients than JDC could through staff attorneys alone. Learn more about our legal services programs below.

Our Staff- and Volunteer-Based Projects
We Help
- Homeless individuals and families
- Survivors of domestic violence
- Senior citizens
- Individuals and families facing eviction
- Adults with disabilities
- Community-based organizations
- Residents of underserved neighborhoods, including Bayview Hunters Point
Each year, our staff and more than 2,000 volunteers assist 9,000 clients with legal consultation and representation in nearly every area of civil law. The time our volunteers donate translates to over $23 million in free legal help to those who need it.

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