Diversity in the legal profession is an integral part of our mission. Our educational programs help students succeed and explore their interest in a career in the law. From high school to law school, our programs break down barriers, build confidence, and show that the legal profession is for everyone.
Learn more about volunteering with our programs to build a diverse pipeline to the profession below:
1L Open Doors Job Shadowing Program
Teaming up with local law schools, we started this job-shadowing program for first-year law students. We match students with legal organizations who open their doors to the student for three days. The program gives students an inside view into the daily lives of lawyers and how legal organizations function.
Volunteer commitment: Host a law student in your office for three days during spring break.
Day in Court
Destination Law School
Share your law school experience with undergraduates pondering law school! Destination Law School is a program for minority college students interested in attending law school. Through panel discussions and workshops, volunteer attorneys share their personal experiences on:
- How to navigate the law school application process
- What a first-year law class is like
- Career options for lawyers
- What to expect on the LSAT examination
Volunteer commitment: Take part in a panel presentation at college campuses in the Bay Area in the fall and spring.
Law Academy
San Francisco Law Academy is a program for junior and senior students at Balboa High School in San Francisco. The curriculum, built into core classes, teaches students basic legal concepts. Six-week summer internships give students meaningful work experience.
We need volunteer attorneys to take part in classroom presentations. Or organize a “Day at the Firm” where students visit for a tour.
Once a year, we also look for host firms and organizations to hire law academy interns. Open your doors and hire a law academy intern for the summer!
Volunteer commitment: 2 hours for classroom presentations.
Lawyers in the Schools
Our Lawyers in the Schools program is a unique way for students to learn about the legal system. Volunteer attorneys show students a practical approach to the law, while providing examples of how the legal system intersect with their lives. The curriculum is designed to complement the teacher’s intended instruction.
We need volunteer attorneys to administer 60-90 minute law-themed projects in schools and community based organizations in San Francisco. All necessary lesson plans and support material as well as a phone orientation are provided in advance.
Volunteer commitment: 60-90 minutes for classroom presentations.
LGBT Youth Program
Visit local high schools and share your experiences. Through this program, LGBT+ volunteer attorneys speak with students in schools, juvenile halls, and more. They talk about their backgrounds, the steps it took to become an attorney, and some of the challenges they’ve faced because they are LGBT+.
Volunteer commitment: Take part in a one-hour panel presentation at high school campuses in the Bay Area in the fall and spring.
Mock Trial
Mock trial is a high school competition where students try a hypothetical criminal case. Each school fields a team of students to act as lawyers, witnesses, and bailiff.
Lawyers volunteer in the fall to coach students. They teach students the fundamentals of persuasive public speaking and evidence advocacy. Leading up to the city-wide competition in March, volunteers also critique students' performance.
Volunteer commitment: For volunteer coaches, the time commitment is 8-10 hours weekly during fall leading up to competition.
We also need volunteer attorneys to score and judge during the competition each March. The time commitment to be a scorer or judge is much shorter, 2 hours per competition.
The central focus of the School-to-College (STC) program is to help students be successful in high school and go on to college.
As a volunteer you work with STC students during after-school workshops. Volunteers help students explore possible career paths, advise on the long-term benefits of attending college and coach them through the college application and financial aid process. Volunteers are also needed as chaperones for college tours and other field trips including college fairs.