We offer top-notch educational programming to keep you on top of developments in your area of practice and the business of managing a law practice. The Bar Association of San Francisco is a State Bar of California certified provider of continuing legal education, and our programs have been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) hours and Legal Specialization credit.
Stay up-to-date and in compliance with your continuing legal education

Continuing Legal Education Calendar
Over 200 in-person and online seminars offered for professional growth and approved for MCLE credit.

Online Continuing Legal Education
Missed a program or can’t attend one? Earn MCLE credit from the convenience of your home or office. All programs qualify for participatory credit.

Sections and Committees
Join a section or committee to connect and collaborate with other BASF members. Practice area sections help you share expertise with other legal professionals and improve the practice of law. Committees help define policy while working with others on issues that affect us all.
Have an idea or suggested topic for a CLE seminar? Would you like to recommend a speaker? Please email a program proposal form to cle@sfbar.org.