Register of Experts

Codes/Code Interpretation

Showing 2 Provider(s) found in Codes/Code Interpretation

John Rohosky [ View Listing ]

Principal Architect

John Rohosky AIA Architect

San Francisco, CA

Specialty Areas

ADA Compliance, Architecture/Landscape Architecture, Codes/Code Interpretation, Construction, Construction Defect


Forensic architect; Expert witness; Construction defects; Code compliance; Slips and falls; Remedial construction documents/construction administration; Life safety issues; Guardrail/handrail/stairwa....

David Benaroya Helfant [ View Listing ]

Senior Project Engineer/Project Mgr.

Seisco Engineering and and Bay Area Structural, Inc.

Emeryville, CA

Specialty Areas

Accidents - Construction, Claims/Disputes, Codes/Code Interpretation, Concrete/Foundations, Construction - Safety, Construction Defect, Environment, Hazardous Materials, Mold, Project Management/Construction Management


Construction defect; Code compliance; Accidents, construction safety; Storm drainage, environmental investigations and mold testing; Concrete construction, curing, waterproofing; Foundations, repairs....

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