Register of Experts

WWW/Internet Services

Showing 2 Provider(s) found in WWW/Internet Services

Stephen Castell [ View Listing ]


Castell Consulting

San Diego, CA

Specialty Areas

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Appraisal - Patent Infringement, Appraisal & Valuation, Blockchain/Cryptocurrency, Broadcasting, Cell Phone Forensics, Communications/Telecommunications, Computer, Computer - Forensics, Expert Witness Services, Failure Analysis, Finance, FinTech, Information Systems, Mediation/Collaborative - Attorney, Software, Software Licensing, Statistics/Mathematics, Trial Consultants, WWW/Internet Services


Software and Systems Failure & Fitness for Purpose, IP, Mobiletechnology Patents, Internet, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies; Computer, Software, Telecommunications, Broadcasting Litigation/Dispute Reso....

Jason Frankovitz [ View Listing ]

Software Engineering Expert

Quandary Peak Research

Los Angeles, CA

Specialty Areas

Communications/Telecommunications, Computer, WWW/Internet Services


Expertise & testimony for more than 100 software-related copyright, trade secret, patent, and breach-of-contract cases. 25+ years of programming experience. Specialties in Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, W....

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