On August 17, San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) Panel attorneys Tad Devlin, Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck and Aaron Minnis, Minnis & Smallets, were the featured guests on the KALW radio show “Your Legal Rights.” Hosted by Chuck Finney, “Your Legal Rights” is a weekly broadcast addressing timely legal topics.
A podcast of the show is available at www.tinyurl.com/zawua52.
The August show entitled, “Employment Law – the shared/gig economy,” spoke to the impact on employer/employee relationships and the changing demographic landscape of San Francisco. The “gig economy” is defined as one in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with
independent workers for short-term engagements.

A sampling of the topics addressed and questions posed included:
• Will current litigation surrounding AirBnB in San Francisco be settled so that housing advocates, residents, and landlords can reach a happy median?
• How do consumers and prac-titioners stay current and prepared to take advantage of the always on, on-demand economy? The shared economy is a different way of engaging the consumer and, as is often the case, laws surrounding classification of employees, and protections for consumers
• Pros and cons of the gig economy for workers
• Employer confusion on worker classification and protections
Stay tuned for a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) presentation on this topic on January 19, 2017, at BASF.
The LRIS has a long history of collaboration with Chuck Finney. On a monthly basis, LRIS attorneys volunteer to participate on the segment of Finney’s show entitled “Call a Lawyer Night.” The attorneys answer calls from the public off air. Callers benefit from being directed to appropriate legal, government, or social resources and the attorneys benefit from the opportunity to engage with clients on a range of issues while networking with attorneys who practice in a variety of legal specialties.
Participation in “Call a Lawyer” night through underwriting of the segments, scheduling volunteer attorneys to answer calls off air, and assisting the show with segment ideas and speakers is in furtherance of the mission of the LRIS to educate the legal consumer. It also is a way for LRIS attorneys to interact with the public on a larger platform.
If you would like to become a member of the SF-Marin LRIS please contact Yvonne Ng at 415-782-8951 or yng@sfbar.org. The Attorney Agreement and Panel Applications are available at http://www.sfbar.org/lawyerreferrals/