According to the Center of American Progress, “Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today.”
How do we change that? In 2014, the Justice & Diversity Center’s Pipeline Programs are focusing on educating and integrating diverse youth in San Francisco on issues involving the justice system.
The first step we are taking is to revamp our Lawyers in Schools and Day in Court programs. We are looking for lawyers who would be interested in joining a committee to help come up with ideas to reinvigorate these two programs. Learn more about these programs at
We also have been having huge success in our School-To-College program (STC) at The Academy of Arts and Sciences in San Francisco.
Kareem Dupree came to Academy as a junior. He struggled tremendously with math, and continued to receive low grades. In an effort to turn his grades around he started going to Mr. Reed, the tutor provided through STC. When asked about how math tutoring with Mr. Reed has helped him, Kareem responded by saying, “Mr. Reed not only helped me get my math grade from a D+ to a B+, he also helped my self-confidence when taking quizzes and test in all my classes. He also helped my confidence so I want to try harder. Mr. Reed is more than a math tutor; he is a friend and a motivator. I recommend anyone to go to him for help.”
These are just some of the things the Diversity Pipeline Program is doing. To get more involved please contact Jareem Gunter at
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