The Justice & Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco (JDC) is excited to announce new details about the featured speakers who will inspire and energize guests when they log on to join the virtual Gala on September 16.

Each year, we celebrate a JDC student and client speaker who share their stories with Gala guests. This year’s speakers, Wendy Hernandez and Timothy James, shine a spotlight on two of JDC’s programs, the Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship program and the Federal Pro Bono Project. Resilience and persistence weave through both of their stories, bringing to life the importance of JDC’s work and services at this moment.
Wendy Hernandez is a 2018 recipient of JDC’s Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship and earned her law degree from UC Hastings, mid-pandemic in May 2020. A first-generation student, she served as the first Latina Editor-in-Chief of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly and regularly receives recognition for her public service, activism, and scholarship. She is currently studying for the California bar exam.

Timothy James is a former teacher who sought justice and a safe learning environment at his school. With persistence and help from JDC’s Federal Pro Bono Project, his case brought about significant changes in the special education department to support students and teachers.
Hear more from Wendy and Timothy at the Gala. Following the program spotlight speakers, Gala guests can choose from a variety of experiences, including three live roundtable discussions, designed to energize guests to join forces for justice. Take a look at the stellar lineup of legal leaders who will share their experience and insight.
The first roundtable discussion focuses on Sports through the Lens of COVID-19 and Social Justice. Roundtable panelists include Maggy Carlyle, Pac-12; David Kelly, Golden State Warriors; Jack Bair, San Francisco Giants; and Hannah Gordon, San Francisco 49ers.
Carlyle Kelly Bair Gordon
Corporations and Social Responsibility is the topic of the second roundtable, featuring Albert Sanders, Google; Ann Staggs, Airbnb; Adam Kaplan, Intel; and Marie Ma, Gap, Inc.
Sanders Staggs Kaplan Ma
Last but not least, the third panel focuses on Stepping Up for Justice and Being a Good Ally. Roundtable panelists include Eric Tate, Morrison & Foerster; Kelly Dermody, Lieff Cabraser Heimann Bernstein; Judge Laurel Beeler, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California; and Monica Oca Howell, Justice & Diversity Center.
Tate Dermody Magistrate Judge, Laurel Beeler, Northern District of California Howell
Don’t miss it! Individual tickets are now available at Tickets are 100% tax-deductible, charitable contributions. To support the event and confirm your sponsorship, please reach out to Shuwaski Young at or (415) 782-8917.