Thank you to the more than 50 firms and organizations (listed below) that participated in the 2016 Head Start Holiday Gift Program. More than 2,000 children received gifts as a result of the generosity of the legal community and beyond.…
Seeking Legal Employers to Host 1L Students for Three-Day Job Shadow Program
The Bar Association of San Francisco, the University of San Francisco School of Law, UC Hastings College of the Law, and Golden Gate University School of Law established the 1L Job Shadow Program in 2015 with the expectation of opening…
Paul Hastings Supports Associate’s Pro Bono Service Benefiting Low-Income San Franciscans
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) is pleased to recognize David Lyons and his firm Paul Hastings in this month’s Volunteer Spotlight for their work on Medical-Legal Project cases. The firm has been a consistent supporter of JDC’s Medical-Legal Project…
Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Program Names Scholarship for Joseph “Joe” Remcho
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of The Bar Association of San Francisco (JDC) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Joseph “Joe” Remcho Memorial Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Fund. The Joe Remcho Scholarship will be used…
Commit to Take Action in the New Year
We all believe in the promise of liberty and justice for all. But the freedom to live with dignity is a luxury that comes with access to justice when facing threats to housing, healthcare, family and economic opportunity. You can…
Merri Baldwin Installed as BASF’s 2017 President
Merri Baldwin, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, was installed as the 2017 President of The Bar Association of San Francisco on December 15 at its Annual Membership Luncheon and Installation of Officers. In her inaugural speech, Baldwin highlighted her theme for 2017:…
New Year, New Books: Recent Additions to the San Francisco Law Library’s Law Practice Management Collection
The San Francisco Law Library maintains a comprehensive Law Practice Management Collection, with publications that detail all aspects of running a practice—client relations, billing, marketing, finances, risk management, technology, and more. This post gathers together the newest additions to the…
Anti-SLAPP: A Powerful Tool Against Third Party Claims
An unintended consequence of California’s Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation statute (Anti-SLAPP), C.C.P. § 425.16, is the protection afforded attorneys against claims by non-clients. Enacted in 1992, it was designed to protect free-speech activities against retaliatory lawsuits, but it also…
Paralegals Must Take More Ethics MCLEs Than Attorneys, But Why?
The State Bar of California requires attorneys to complete 25 total hours of MCLEs per three-year reporting period, four hours of which must be in legal ethics (Cal. Bar Rule 2.72.). California paralegals are also required to complete four hours…
BASF and Barristers Club Announce Minority Bar Coalition Board Representatives
The Bar Association of San Francisco announced in November that Sigrid Irias, Irias Law, was selected to the 2017 BASF board as its Minority Bar Coalition (MBC) representative. BASF’s Barristers Club selected Lauren Young Epstein, Baker & McKenzie, as its…
Top 10 Legal by the Bay Articles of 2016
We compiled the top 10 Legal by the Bay Blog posts of 2016. A huge thank you to our writers and contributors, along with all of our readers. If you would like to write for Legal by the Bay,…
Jolie Seeks to Break the Rules of Fight Club: Making Private Agreements Public
The “Brangelina” divorce is making headlines again on the heels of Angelina Jolie filing the parties’ temporary custody stipulation with the court, thereby making their agreement open to the public. The stipulation shows that Brad Pitt has weekly visitation with…