If you do not begin your brief with an issue statement, that is, a syllogism ending in a question, then open with an introduction that gives the judge a short and persuasive overview of the case. Present the facts plainly…
The Attorney-Client Privilege in Workplace Investigations
Attorneys are often called upon by employers to facilitate investigations of workplace misconduct. One reason this is done is so the findings and conclusion of the investigation may receive the protection of the attorney-client privilege. However, under California law the…
Competing for Talent in 2017
The world of work is changing. Sweeping global forces and technological advancements continue to reshape how companies do business. With California unemployment hovering near record lows, job seekers – especially those in the legal field – can be more selective…
BASF Bulletin Board: Our Members and Leaders Circle Firms Making Headlines
Asian American Bar Announces 2017-2018 Board of Directors The Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area recently announced its 2017-2018 officers and directors at large. The following BASF members are included: President Miriam Kim, Munger, Tolles & Olson;…
BASF Bulletin Board: Our Members and Leaders Circle Firms Making Headlines
SeLegue Sean Selegue Elected to State Bar Board of Trustees Sean Selegue, Arnold & Porter, was recently elected to serve on the Board of Trustees for the State Bar of California. He was elected to a three-year term by attorneys…
BASF Bulletin Board: Our Members and Leaders Circle Firms Making Headlines
Daily Journal Announces Top Labor and Employment Attorneys Amar Andrus Birenbaum Dermody Dickson Heinicke Henn Lowe Meny Mezias Orr Reis Sagafi The following BASF members were included on the Daily Journal’s 2016 list of…
Seeking Panelists: Talk About Your Law School Paths to Diverse Undergrads
The Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) Destination Law School (DLS) program provides information and resources about law school and the legal profession to diverse undergraduate students in colleges located in the Bay Area. The purpose of this program is…
Legal Community and Beyond Makes Holidays Brighter for Head Start Kids
Thank you to the more than 50 firms and organizations (listed below) that participated in the 2016 Head Start Holiday Gift Program. More than 2,000 children received gifts as a result of the generosity of the legal community and beyond.…
Seeking Legal Employers to Host 1L Students for Three-Day Job Shadow Program
The Bar Association of San Francisco, the University of San Francisco School of Law, UC Hastings College of the Law, and Golden Gate University School of Law established the 1L Job Shadow Program in 2015 with the expectation of opening…
Paul Hastings Supports Associate’s Pro Bono Service Benefiting Low-Income San Franciscans
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) is pleased to recognize David Lyons and his firm Paul Hastings in this month’s Volunteer Spotlight for their work on Medical-Legal Project cases. The firm has been a consistent supporter of JDC’s Medical-Legal Project…
Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Program Names Scholarship for Joseph “Joe” Remcho
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of The Bar Association of San Francisco (JDC) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Joseph “Joe” Remcho Memorial Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Fund. The Joe Remcho Scholarship will be used…
Commit to Take Action in the New Year
We all believe in the promise of liberty and justice for all. But the freedom to live with dignity is a luxury that comes with access to justice when facing threats to housing, healthcare, family and economic opportunity. You can…