The Justice & Diversity Center’s (JDC) Volunteer of the Month is Jared Malakouti, who interprets for our Spanish-speaking clients and their pro bono lawyers. With dedicated volunteers like Malakouti, JDC can provide meaningful access to justice for monolingual people at…
Housing Cases: How Lawyers Make a Difference Through Full-Scope Representation
Landlords often use owner move-in (OMI) eviction notices to pressure tenants to give up their long-term tenancies. It is critical that a tenant moving out pursuant to an OMI notice have a lawyer both to do adequate discovery to determine…
Summer of IP Event Features Summer Associates Presenting on Unfolding Issues
In June, BASF’s Intellectual Property Section hosted the first Summer of IP, featuring summer associates speaking on unfolding intellectual property issues. Each summer associate developed their presentation with an experienced attorney and presented their findings to a packed house at…
BASF Bulletin Board: August 2017 Members in the News
Daily Journal Names Top Plaintiff Lawyers The following BASF members were included in the Daily Journal’s “Top Plaintiff Lawyers” List for 2017: Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein Eric B. Fastiff, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein Craig M.…
Protected: Emotional Intelligence as a Credible Psychological Construct: Real but Elusive- A Conceptual Interpretation of Meta-Analytic Investigation Outcomes
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Former BASF President, a Business Trial Lawyer and a Psychology Expert Join BASF Mediation Services
Elizabeth Bader, Bader Conflict Resolution Services Elizabeth Bader’s mediation practice has included the successful resolution of a wide variety of cases, including complex, multi-party, tort-related litigation. Her unique approach to mediation is based on her view that psychological issues, particularly…
Risk Management Tip: Waivers of Attorney-Client Privilege Cannot be Undone
Last month, this column examined Sanford Walder’s trial victory over his former employer, Bio-Rad. The district court allowed Wadler to offensively employ material Bio-Rad claimed was protected by attorney-client privilege. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 502, premised on Model Rule…
Section Builds Community through Educational and Leadership Opportunities
Sebastian Kaplan of Fenwick & West accepted the position of 2017 Chair of The Bar Association of San Francisco’s Intellectual Property (IP) Section Melody Drummond Hansen, of O’Melveny & Myers, is serving as the section vicechair. The IP Section has…
Legal Writing Tip: Never Insult Your Opponents or Their Arguments
If you wish to be taken seriously by the court, whether in oral or written argument, never malign or belittle your opponents or their position. Treat opposing counsel with respect, regardless of whether you feel they deserve it. This is…
Read That (Privileged) Email – and Weep!
Have you ever hit “send” on a sensitive email before realizing that your handy, autofill tool inserted the address of the wrong recipient? Or been the unintended recipient of such misdirected emails? What to do? Thankfully, the misguided email usually…
Is Your Estate Plan Unconstitutional?
Michael Bensal, through his investment LLC, obtained a bank loan guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration to open a fast food business. Bensal personally guaranteed repayment. The business failed and Bensal’s LLC defaulted on the loan. The bank sued…
Judges Reception: Honoring Judge William Orrick
The Barristers Club of The Bar Association of San Francisco presents the Thirty-Third Annual Judges Reception Wednesday, July 19 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Judicial Council of California 455 Golden Gate Ave,, San Francisco Honoring District Judge William H. Orrick United…