BASF welcomes Attorney/Arbitrator/Mediator Robert Jacobs to its Bay Area Mediation Services panel. Jacobs helps parties settle disputes by focusing early on key issues. Parties who mediate with him find he is both fair and persuasive. During the course of his 30 years of litigation…
Career Fair Draws More Than 300 Diverse Law School Students
The 13th annual Bay Area Diversity Career Fair was held Saturday, July 29 with over 60 employers interviewing 325 students for a total of over 1,100 scheduled interviews. The full day schedule started with a breakfast panel for the students, a…
Family Law Corner: Divorce is No Laughing Matter For Comedian Ron White
In late June, singer-songwriter Margo Rey filed for divorce in Los Angeles from comedian Ron White (known as “Tater Salad”), claiming that although they were married in California in 2013, they were common-law married in Texas in 2008. White became…
Absence of Court Reporters in Family Law Courts = Access to Justice Denied
California courts’ ongoing funding crisis is failing those most vulnerable. Since 2009, the nation’s largest judicial branch has experienced budget cuts in the hundreds of millions of dollars, resulting in drastically reduced court staffing and services in most of California’s 58 counties. Even as…
10th Annual Bike/Walk-A-Thon Raises More Than $30,000
On Saturday, July 15 at 7:00 a.m., Team Tam, an elite group of cyclists, led by David Reidy of McGuireWoods, set out from Crissy Field for a 53.7 mile bike ride that included over 7,000 feet in elevation gains, officially…
Incorporating Pro Bono Work into a Solo or Small Firm Practice
It is important that all of us attorneys strive to incorporate pro bono work into our practices. Although doing so in a solo or small firm practice setting presents some unique challenges, it is not only possible to do, but…
Legal Malpractice Corner: Risk Management Tip – SEC Reporting Rules Preempts California’s Attorney-Client Privilege
Over the past three months this column has reviewed attorney Sanford Walder’s trial victory over his former employer, Bio-Rad. Among other attorney-client privilege issues, the district court examined whether California law is preempted by regulations promulgated under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.…
Four Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Recipients Announced
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of The Bar Association of San Francisco recently announced the recipients of its 2017 Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarships. Thanks to the generosity of donors, four scholarships will be awarded to minority students…
Probate Mediator Joins BASF Mediation Panel
The Bar Association of San Francisco welcomes Margaret Hand to its Bay Area Mediation Services panel. Margaret M. Hand, Hartog, Baer & Hand, has been mediating disputes arising under the Probate Code since 2004 and has litigated these disputes since…
Legal Ethics Corner: Two’s a Company, Three Might Get You Disqualified: The Ethics of Joint Representation
Amy retains Attorney to prosecute a personal injury action for an arm fracture she sustained in an automobile accident. Amy asks Attorney to meet with Bill who was rendered quadriplegic by the same accident. Bill’s claim is clearly more “valuable”…
Volunteer Attorney Offers Life-Changing Family Law Assistance
Professionally, Jennifer Letulle practices a wide range of civil law, including contracts, employment, design defect and professional liability. Family law isn’t part of her day job but that hasn’t stopped her from representing 35 family law clients through the Justice…
District Judge William H. Orrick Honored at Barristers Club 33rd Annual Judges Reception
The Barristers Club of The Bar Association of San Francisco presented its Tara L. Riedley Barristers Choice Award at the 33rd Annual Judges Reception on July 19 to United States District Judge William H. Orrick, United States District Court for…