You get to the firm on a Monday morning. Several important clients are waiting for your email response. But you can’t reach your keyboard because the files from last week are still scattered around your desk. In honor of National…
The Bar Association of San Francisco announces 2020 Board of Directors
Six new directors of the Board were installed at the Bar Association of San Francisco Annual Luncheon on December 17th. They are Cristine Soto De Berry, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office; Jamie Dupree, Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier; Holly Gaudreau,…
Shaping Criminal Justice Reform Locally: BASF Focuses On Building Relationships While Fighting For Justice
It’s been just over five years since Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri, drew nationwide attention to issues of fairness in the criminal justice system, and in particular the treatment of African Americans. In the wake of those emotionally charged…
A new experience with a new website
We’re proud to announce the launch of our new website. We’ve spent the last year getting feedback and insight from members, staff and other stakeholders on the design, content and usability of our site. We knew that making the website better…
Barristers First Trivia Night a Success
On October 10th, more than 80 people joined the Barristers Club for their inaugural Trivia Night at Lyft Headquarters in San Francisco. Twelve teams (a sold out crowd) competed for the coveted ‘bragging rights’ of first place. First place was…
Barristers Club announces officers
The Barristers Club, the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) new attorney division, recently announced the officers for its 2020 Board of Directors. In addition, the Nominating Committee of the Barristers Board of Directors is pleased to announce that five…
Barristers Club announces officers
The Barristers Club, the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) new attorney division, recently announced the officers for its 2020 Board of Directors. In addition, the Nominating Committee of the Barristers Board of Directors is pleased to announce that five…
JDC helps protects survivors of domestic violence
Effective legal representation is the single most important factor in whether victims are able to escape the domestic violence cycle. Yet most domestic violence victims never get to see a lawyer. In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we share…
Volunteer opportunities for the legal community
Ready to make a difference to give fair and accessible to everyone regardless of their income or circumstances? The Justice and Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco (JDC) offers a variety of pro bono opportunities for lawyers…
Advocating for the homeless
There are more than 10,000 people who are homeless in San Francisco, the highest number in the Bay Area. The homeless population in San Francisco has grown 30% since 2017, largely because of job loss and higher living costs. In…
Shedding light on domestic violence
Every minute in the United States, twenty people are abused by an intimate partner. That adds up to more than ten million men and women every year. And it effects more than just the homefront, a recent survey of American…
Shedding light on domestic violence
Every minute in the United States, twenty people are abused by an intimate partner. That adds up to more than ten million men and women every year. And it effects more than just the homefront, a recent survey of American…