Excerpted from “Securely Use Dropbox in a Legal Environment” ABA TECHSHOW 2014 Written by Diane Ebersole, ABA TECHSHOW Board 2015 We have discussed how you can enhance the security of access to your Dropbox files by moving to a two-step…
2015 CLE Compliance Countdown
The MCLE compliance deadline is fast approaching and attorneys with last names H–M will need to finish their 25 hours of MCLE by February 2, 2015. BASF has got you covered. Whether you need special or general CLE credits, take…
How Judges Decide: January 12 Evening CLE Seminar
Almost 100 years ago, our great jurist, Benjamin N. Cardozo, declared: “The great tides and currents which engulf the rest of men, do not turn aside in their course, and pass judges by.” This panel will explore what informs a…
Blindfolds Off: Judges On How They Decide [Book Review]
I have never seen Joel Cohen in court but he must be an excellent cross-examiner, a skill he relies on to create revealing, instructive, and sometimes shocking interviews with thirteen federal judges in his new work, Blindfolds Off: Judges On…
BASF Bulletin Board: Our Members and Leaders Circle Firms Making Headlines
Queen’s Bench Bar Association Names 2015 Board of Directors The following BASF members were recently announced as 2015 Queen’s Bench Bar Association board of directors: President Jaime Touchstone, Futterman Dupree Dodd Croley Maier; 1st Vice President Pauline Farmer-Koppenol, Bio-Rad Laboratories;…
Estate Planning: Lawyer Regrets Divorcing Without Inheritance Agreement for Kids
Divorce is difficult, and even successful lawyers sometimes jeopardize their children’s inheritance by failing to make adequate agreements about it as a part of the divorce settlement. Attorney Debra Karlstein is a recent example. She divorced Hank Goldsmith, a big-name…
Grow Your Clientele: Join the San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service
With the turn of a new year, reflections about one’s law practice circulate in the mind. Is my practice where I’d like it to be? Is there more I could be doing? Growing your clientele while giving back to the…
Bowling Tournament Raises More Than $10,000 For Mock Trial Program
More than 48 bowlers came out to Lucky Strike on November 17 to participate in our first Annual Diversity Bowl, benefiting the Mock Trial program of the Justice & Diversity Center. Bowlers raised more than $10,000. We are thankful for…
Justice & Diversity Center Announces 2015 Board of Directors
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) recently confirmed its Board of Directors for 2015. Timothy Moppin, Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, will serve as president; Michael Tubach, O’Melveny & Myers, will serve as…
Legal Ethics Corner: Ethical Issues in Accepting Credit Card Payments
As anyone who has paid for vegetables at the farmers’ market on a merchant’s smartphone knows, the use of credit cards as a form of payment has become a universal convenience. Credit cards can now be used for the purchase…
Four Steps to Maximizing the Effectiveness of Your Mediation
Mediation is an important component of the civil justice system. Mediation allows a neutral third party who is in a unique position of seeing both sides to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the parties’ arguments, and perhaps suggest creative…
Thank you to AT&T for 2014 Fellowship
Many thanks to AT&T for sponsoring a fellowship with the Justice & Diversity Center. Our 2014 AT&T Fellow was Felipe Garcia, a Golden Gate University Law student, pictured here with AT&T’s David Miller. Thanks to AT&T’s generosity, Garcia spent his…