The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) Board of Directors recently voted to release a new call to action encouraging members and law firms to give back with pro bono service. A set of pro bono pledges, one aimed at…
The Idiot's Guide to E-Filing
The first time I filed a federal case was with a clerk in San Jose. Unsure of the required format, I prepared my filing three ways: According to the federal rules According to the local rules According to the judge’s…
Estate Planning: Three Lessons From Dead Celebrities
In 2011, pop diva Amy Winehouse joined the list of musicians who died at 27, which includes rock icons Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. Like Winehouse, Joplin and Morrison were drug addicts and appear to have died of overdoses. Unlike…
A Chat with Inder Comar, LRIS Panelist and International Human Rights Lawyer
Those who participate as attorney panelists in the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) are up to some interesting things. Case in point: LRIS panel attorney Inder Comer, who mixes his IP and business practice with international human rights law.…
What Movie is Playing in Your Mediation?
Mediation works because, as the meme/trope goes: “We are not so different, you and I.” First: figure out what movie is playing inside the hearts and minds of party actors. Here sits a neighbor who can’t hear because of another…
Legal Ethics Corner: California Court of Appeal Upholds “In-Firm” Privilege
California recently joined a growing list of states that have issued published opinions recognizing an in-firm privilege. See, e.g., Moore v. Grau, 2014 N.H. Super. LEXIS 20 (N.H. Super. Ct. Dec. 15, 2014); Crimson Trace Corp. v. Davis Wright Tremaine…
Attorney Reception Welcomes New Admittees to Legal Community
Nearly 100 new attorneys, law students, and BASF members gathered for the third annual New Attorney Reception on January 28. The Bar Association of San Francisco and the Barristers Club were excited to welcome these new admittees into the BASF…
Ludacris’ Ludicrous Custody Battle
For the past year Christopher Bridges, better known as Ludacris, has been in a bitter custody battle with “baby mama” Tamika Fuller. Ludacris filed to establish his paternity and limit child support for the pair’s now fifteen month old daughter…
School-To-College Continues to Make a Real Difference in Widening the Diversity Pipeline To College
School-To-College (STC) is one of several diversity pipeline programs of the Justice & Diversity Center of The Bar Association of San Francisco. Currently embedded in the Academy of Arts & Sciences high school in San Francisco, the STC program provides…
Meet Heather Borlase Co-Chair of BASF’s Equality Committee on Disability Rights
BASF’s Disability Rights Committee Co-Chair Heather Borlase of Bayer & Borlase was recently invited to discuss her volunteer work with BASF/JDC. BASF: How did you become involved in BASF? Heather Borlase (HB): I worked for the …
One Attorney, One Saturday a Month, 32 Years = 1,600 Pro Bono Hours
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) happily spotlights our Volunteer of the Month, Frederick Craw, who has been volunteering at JDC’s free Legal Advice and Referral Clinics (LARC) for 32 years because he believes that practicing law is a privilege,…
Military Affairs Committee Launched
Capitalizing on the enthusiasm shown by a task force assembled last year by 2014 President Stephanie Skaff, BASF has created a Military Affairs Committee for members. The 2014 task force, made up of six attorneys and two UC Davis School…