This “preview” article begins a series in which the Solo & Small Firm Section (S/SF) will provide content of interest to the S/SF community. The S/SF Section promotes the interests of attorneys who practice as solos and in firms with…
Top Five Reasons to Join the BASF Delegation to the Conference of California Bar Associations in Anaheim
The 2015 Conference of California Bar Associations (CCBA) will be held October 9-11 in Anaheim and serves justice in California by bringing together attorney volunteers from across the state representing diverse backgrounds, experience, and expertise to seek, debate, and promote…
For 37 Volunteers: A Day of Service in San Francisco’s Bayview District
On Saturday, March 28, the Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) brought expert legal advice and social services to more than 30 clients in Bayview-Hunters Point with its monthly Legal Advice & Referral Clinic (LARC). JDC and BASF President Timothy Moppin,…
Does the Duty of Confidentiality Prevent an Attorney from Disclosing a Former Client’s Confidences in a Fee Collection Action?
Occasionally an attorney must sue a former client to collect outstanding fees and costs. Often the evidence critical to the attorney’s claim includes the secrets of the former client. May the attorney reveal those confidences necessary to prosecute the collection…
Is It Time To Appoint a Discovery Referee?
Recently I received the following email: “Since courts are so overwhelmed and setting dates for hearing is now running six months or longer, how does one do motions to compel further responses to interrogatories in a meaningful way? I booked…
BASF’s Newest Section Draws 85 Guests at CLE Seminar for Paralegals featuring Therese Cannon
BASF’s Paralegal Section was launched in January and, to date, there are more than 80 members. I am proud to say that one of the first firms to support this newly created section was my employer, Keker & Van Nest.…
Legal Writing Tip: Write Like a Reporter
Editor’s note: We are excited to welcome attorney/researcher/writer Savannah Blackwell as she takes over the Legal Writing Tips Column. Write for the court like a good news reporter writes for her readers. A reporter attempts to answer all the…
Estate Planning Tips for You and Your Clients
Expanding Protections Against Financial Elder Abuse There are plenty of financial predators out there trying to take advantage of vulnerable people – and many of them see senior citizens with diminishing cognitive functioning and valuable assets as easy prey. For…
Does the Death of Robin Williams Signal the Death of His Celebrity Rights?
Williams’ kids and wife continue the fight in San Francisco Superior Court In life, the late Robin Williams was incredibly protective over the commercial use of his name, image and likeness. He rarely, if ever, promoted products or appeared in…
How to Build Your Practice Using Social Media, Blogging and Having a Life Outside of Your Practice
The Barristers Club recently hosted Phoenix-based attorney/ ABA Legal Rebel/ blogger/ author Ruth Carter at a seminar to inspire attorneys to think outside of the box in terms of finding their practice niche and beyond. Carter discussed her own off-the-beaten-path to…
I've Been Hacked. Have I Been Damaged?
Pleading computer fraud damages Computer fraud has been a hot topic in the news with seemingly new lawsuits everyday. Nevertheless, plaintiffs seem to have difficulty pleading damages. Although there is some nuance, pleading damages is a fairly straightforward process as…
Mock Trial Coach Looks Back at Great Year
Coaching high schoolers feels a lot like making popcorn: you add heat and agitation, then pray that everything “pops” in the end. Despite months of editing scripts, running objection drills, and repeating “slow down and speak up” like a shamanistic…