Allan Jergesen Honored by Swords to Plowshares Allan Jergesen of Hanson Bridgett, was recently named Bill Brockett Pro Bono Attorney of the Year by Swords to Plowshares for his service to veterans. Leader Circle Firms Recognized Healthy Mothers Workplace Coalition…
Seeking: Lawyers Interested in Developing New Skills, Meeting People and Having Fun
Deadline to apply to Barristers Board is September 4 ____________________ Develop Valuable Skills: As Barristers Board members, we are continuously given opportunities to develop and utilize many skills that, while important to our growth as professionals, are not necessarily the…
The Benefits of a Paper-Free Office
Making your law office paper-free, or to be honest, 90% paper-free, is a great goal. I will begin by saying that I have previously read articles along this vein and the very “un-useful” advise included, “You don’t have to print…
Estate Planning Tips For Lawyers and Their Clients
The Rules of Arbitration are Not Arbitrary Some people choose to settle legal disputes using arbitration since it is much less expensive and more private than going to court. That’s because a qualified arbiter considers the evidence presented by both…
Forum Brings Together Community and Judges for Important Dialogue
More than 100 people attended BASF’s first “Meet the Judges Night” on May 14 with judges from San Francisco Superior Court. The forum was held at UC Hastings College of the Law.
Attorney’s Pro Bono Efforts Educate and Reassure Consumers
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) is pleased to recognize Susan Brown as our Volunteer of the Month for July 2015. Brown is a regular volunteer for JDC’s Consumer Project, volunteering at the monthly Consumer Debt Defense and Education Clinics…
Summit Features BASF Mediation Panelists and Executive Director
The Mediation Society hosted the first Bay Area Mediation Summit (BAMS) at Nixon Peabody in San Francisco on May 15. More than 20 organizations were invited to participate in an informative afternoon of speakers, panel discussions and networking to share…
Excellent Customer Service Key to Award Winning Lawyer Referral Service
The legal interviewers of BASF’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) are a team of professional, compassionate, highly educated individuals. Far more than an “appointment scheduling service” or “legal hotline,” the services provided run the gamut from resource guide to…
Attorney-Client Billing Statements Are Protected By Attorney-Client Privilege Regardless of Whether They Contain Legal Opinions or Advice
As a matter of first impression, the Court of Appeal recently held in County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (ACLU), 235 Cal.App.4th 1154 (2015) that invoices confidentially transmitted from an attorney to…
The View Isn’t so Rosie: Drug Testing Requested in O’Donnell’s Custody Battle
Rosie O’Donnell’s prenuptial agreement with a confidentiality provision isn’t keeping her second divorce out of the media limelight. In 2012, O’Donnell married Michelle Rounds, two years later, they adopted a daughter, and last November the couple split up and filed…
Five Tips for Creating a Marketable Legal Professional Resume
Most people can agree that it is a difficult task creating a marketable resume. How does one decide what to include, or determine what to take out? How is it possible to get everything on one page? My best advice…
Mock Trial Volunteer Perspective: Adam Maldonado
Bringing together attorney volunteers, judges, and teenagers from public high schools across San Francisco, BASF has once again united the legal community with the successful completion of its 2015 Mock Trial competition. Each season, attorney volunteers donate their evenings and…