On Wednesday October 7, The Bar Association of San Francisco will present its 2015 U.S. Supreme Court Preview, hosted by the Appellate Section of the Barristers Club. The top-notch panel is composed of: Rory Little, UC Hastings College of the Law Jane…
Adding Spouse to Title is Not Enough To Convert Separate Property to Community Property
In their wedding vows, couples commonly swear to stay married to each other “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Despite these idealistic intentions, it’s a sad fact of…
Charity Golf Tournament Registration is Open
Join us on October 23 for the 7th Annual Putting for the Pipeline Golf Tournament benefiting the diversity pipeline programs of the Justice & Diversity Center. Tournament highlights include: Lunch, door prizes, awards reception and BBQ dinner 100+ Bay Area…
Orange Might be the New Green For Actor’s Soon to Be Ex-Wife
Pablo Schreiber, the newly-recognizable former star of “Orange is the New Black” due to his distinctive mustache that earned him the nickname “Pornstache,” has learned that the timing of his new-found success will also benefit his ex-wife, despite the end…
Pro Bono Service Helps the Vulnerable and Improves the Administration of Justice
In March, the BASF Board of Directors issued a call to action encouraging all members and law firms to give back to our community through pro bono service. A set of pro bono pledges, one aimed at law firms, and…
Cy Pres Award Allows for More Services to Underserved Residents
Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason, attorneys on recent credit/debit card tying cases, has informed the Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) that it is a recipient of a $99,000 cy pres award, with an additional award pending subject to further proceedings.…
Meet STC Student Savion at the 2015 #JDCGala on September 24
Next week is our annual gala through which we raise money for our diversity education programs and our legal services programs. This year the featured youth speaker from our high school School-To-College (STC) program is Savion. He will be sharing his story at the…
Victory Over IRS in Estate Appraiser Dispute
Many people think the IRS is just too big to beat, and that when the tax collector sends you a bill, you better just pay up instead of trying to defend yourself. But like David bravely fighting Goliath, some taxpayers…
Craft Beer and CLE at Black Hammer Brewing on October 15
The Barristers Club will host a Brewery Law Basics CLE on October 15. Not only will it feature top rate panelist in the industry, but the CLE will also take place at a brand new up and coming brewery in…
Family Law Corner: Custody Battle Escalates as Question of Jurisdiction Lingers
Last Family Law Corner, we updated Kelly Rutherford’s epic custody battle. When we left Rutherford’s story, it was just as a dramatic as something you would see on “Gossip Girl.” In June, Rutherford petitioned the California court to keep jurisdiction…
Legal Writing Tip: Keep Deleting the Unnecessary
Eliminating verbiage is so essential to writing effectively, the task warrants further attention. Legal writing guru Bryan Garner is fond of quoting the late Judge David Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on…
Minority Scholarship Reception Honors Donors and Recipients
More than 35 people attended the Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship Reception hosted by Coblentz Patch Duff & Bass on August 6. The reception honored the scholarship donors and the 2015 scholarship recipients: Allyssa Villanueva, Luis Beltran, Adriana Mendez…