After preventing a same-sex couple’s divorce for the past two years, Mississippi came through on Tuesday, when Chancery Judge Mitchell Lundy, Jr. divorced Lauren Czekala-Chatham and Dana Ann Melancon in his chambers. Melancon, who moved to Arkansas after the couple…
Three Tips for Attracting the Right Candidates
Having trouble attracting the right candidates? With the help of BASF’s job board, your open positions are distributed to our membership of 8,000 attorneys and legal professionals, and beyond, on multiple platforms. You can see a few recent listings to…
Project Homeless Connect Honors JDC Staff and Volunteers
Project Homeless Connect (PHC) recently honored the Justice & Diversity Center with its award for Outstanding Service Area. The City of San Francisco partners with nonprofits four to six times a year to hold PHC events, with each event offering numerous…
Do You Know What MCLEs Your Paralegal Needs?
Every paralegal knows the MCLE requirements and reporting period for his or her attorney. They are familiar with the various ways attorneys earn MCLE—attending live seminars, webcasts, webinars, in-house programs, or self-study—and who the MCLE provider is. As an attorney,…
Staff Attorney Joins JDC to Defend Low-Income Tenants From Eviction
The Justice & Diversity Center welcomes Tony Burchell as its new staff attorney for the Right to Civil Counsel Program (RTCC). Burchell will provide full-scope representation to defendants in unlawful detainer cases; help support volunteer attorneys serving low-income people in…
Is Your Client’s Case Ready for Mediation?
When considering mediation to resolve your client’s dispute, consider these points: 1. Are the Parties Really Ready for Settlement? Mediation works only if the parties really desire to resolve the matter, meet in good faith, and have a reasonable evaluation…
December Bulletin Board: Our Members and Leaders Circle Firms Making Headlines
Legal Writing Tip: Choose the Active Voice
What is the difference between the passive and active voice in writing? In active voice, the subject of the clause or sentence does the acting. In passive voice, the subject does not perform the action of the verb. Instead, the…
Attorney v. Client – Walking the Ethics Tightrope
As a legal ethics and risk management advisor, I am often asked whether litigation between an attorney and client is permitted during engagement on another matter. This situation often arises as to legal fee disputes; however, lawsuits between in-house or…
Golfers and Tournament Sponsors Raise $80,000 for Diversity Pipeline Programs
More than 100 golfers and sponsors attended the Seventh Annual Putting for the Pipeline Golf Tournament on October 23 at TPC Harding Park. The tournament raised funds for BASF and JDC’s diversity pipeline programs including School-To-College and Mock Trial. Congrats…
Be A Tax Document Hoarder
However mundane, documents are key to reducing your firm’s taxable income. Be ready to claim every allowable expense at tax time, and respond to a tax inquiry later. Why be a hoarder First, taxpayers have the burden of proving deductions…
LRIS Panel Attorneys Give Pro Bono Advice to Veterans
Thanks to the three attorneys who gave free legal advice and referrals to veterans at an event on October 28. The attorneys, Joseph Lepera, Lepera & Associates; solo attorney Roger Rubin, and Kent Kirmaci, Law Offices of Kent Kirmaci, are…