In 2015, BASF launched the “Pro Bono Pledge,” a call to action encouraging members and law firms to give back with pro bono service. A set of pro bono pledges, one aimed at law firms and one at individual attorneys,…
Inspire Diverse Students to Apply to Local Law Schools
The Destination Law School (DLS) program seeks volunteers to serve as panelists and mentors to diverse students interested in attending law school. DLS provides information about law school and the legal profession to diverse undergraduate students in Bay Area colleges.…
Make an Impact at the California Conference of Bar Associations
Did you go to law school and become a lawyer in hopes of making a difference? One way to have a direct impact is to participate in BASF’s delegation to the California Conference of Bar Associations (CCBA). The CCBA brings…
25th Anniversary: Report Highlights Challenges in Diversifying the Legal Profession
More than 60 people attended the December 14 panel discussion and reception for the release of BASF’s 2015 Goals and Timetables Report on Minority Hiring, Advancement and Retention. The event was held at Keker & Van Nest and featured the…
LRIS Welcomes New Immigration Case Coordinator
The San Francisco-Marin Lawyer Referral and Information Service welcomed Carlos Pinzon-Hamilton in December 2015 as its new Immigration Case Coordinator. Pinzon-Hamilton is responsible for organizing and admin-istering the Attorney of the Day immigration court calendar for the unrepresented families and…
Carol Kingsley Rejoins BASF Mediation Services Panel
Carol M. Kingsley is an experienced and flexible mediator with over 30 years of experience practicing law and resolving conflicts. She has had an AV rating, the highest attorney rating, from Martindale Hubbell for 30 years. She also has more…
Ethics Applicable To Court Appointed Attorney: Court Pressure vs. Client Privacy
The court appoints you to represent an individual facing charges which, if proven, could lead to loss of liberty and property. You meet confidentially with your new client, discuss the facts relating to the charges, assess your client’s responses and…
Homeless Advocacy Project’s Katie Danielson Receives 2016 Brosnahan Fellowship
Katie Danielson Danielson, the Senior Supervising Attorney at the Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP), is the third recipient since the fellowship was established in 2012 to provide…
Six-figure Settlement for Bicyclist Struck by Car
Anyone who walks, drives, or rides a bike in San Francisco knows that the streets can be a dangerous place where hundreds of “near misses” happen on a daily basis. Whether it be a person darting across the street against…
Mama Don’t Preach: Madonna’s Custody Battle Takes Center Stage
Guy Ritchie and Madonna have kept their co-parenting out of the spotlight for six years, but now they are battling over their 15-year-old son, Rocco. When Rocco did not return to Madonna’s custody after visiting Ritchie in London during the…
Trust Document Can Provide for Attorney Fees in Battle
“No-contest” clauses are designed to discourage beneficiaries from contesting wills and trusts by specifying that those who do so forfeit what they would have received under the will or trust. A “no-contest clause with teeth” contains a defense provision, authorizing…
Medical Legal Project Volunteer Represents Low Income Senior Citizen
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) is pleased to recognize Misty Wright, of Paul Hasting, as our Volunteer of the Month. Wright took an appeal of a Cal-Fresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) determination through JDC’s Medical-Legal Project. The project,…