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May 2016: A Month in the Life of the Lawyer Referral and Information Service [Infographic]
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Estate Planning Issues in the News
Privacy Lessons of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Author Harper Lee As the daughter of a country lawyer in Alabama, Harper Lee was able to bring fictional defense attorney Atticus Finch vividly to life in her classic Pulitzer Prize-winning 1960 novel…
Warning Signs of Law Firm Changes Ahead: Potential Merger, Acquisition, or Failure
In recent years, some of San Francisco’s largest law firms have been the subject of wholesale changes. Failed mergers, toxic acquisitions, and looming bankruptcies threaten the stability of a firm, often resulting in dissolutions that leave administrators and associates without…
BASF Delegation Heads to State Capitol on Legislative Day
Interested in Joining the BASF Delegation to the California Conference of Bar Associations? Each year more than 20 CCBA resolutions get introduced as bills in the California legislature, and approximately 15 of them typically become part of the statutory law…
Panelists Aim to Inspire Diverse Students to Think About a Legal Career
More than 15 students attended a Destination Law School panel presentation at San Francisco State University. The panel presentation was organized in partnership with San Francisco State University’s Equal Opportunity Program (EOP) with the help of Assistant Director Yvette Ching.…
Free Legal Research Available in Member Lounge
Fastcase, offered for free in BASF’s member-only lounge, is a next-generation legal research service that puts a national law library and powerful searching, sorting and visualization tools at your fingertips. Fastcase’s libraries include primary law from all 50 states, as…
BASF Issues Statement Regarding Donald Trump’s Comments About Judge Curiel
The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF), along with a number of its past presidents, released an op-ed in support of independence of the judiciary in response to Donald Trump’s statements that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is handling…
Former Scholarship Recipient Takes on Clerkships
2011 Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship recipient Antonio Ingram, Morrison & Foerster, will be clerking for the United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana with Judge Ivan Lemelle in New Orleans for one year beginning in August 2016.…
LGBT Battle for Equality Goes Beyond the Altar
Almost fifty years after the first same-sex couple was denied a marriage license in California, last year Obergefell v. Hodges codified a fundamental right to marry a person of the same sex. But Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender people want…
Solo and Small Firm Section Happy Hour
A few photos from the recent Solo and Small Firm Section Happy Hour. You can find more photos from the event on our Facebook page. Learn more about the Solo and Small Firm Section here.
Silence is Just Plain Sound
“Hello darkness, my old friend,” begins Paul Simon’s “Sounds of Silence” made famous by the movie The Graduate. “People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening.” As mediators and lawyers we should take the need of silence to heart. For…