BASF’s 2014 membership theme is “You Make a Difference. We Make It Easier.” Kirsten Mickelson, a BASF member and barrister, is a young in-house attorney making a difference in the lives of those in our community. Leonard Lun, BASF’s Director of Membership, recently sat down with Mickelson to learn more about how she is making that difference and the role BASF plays in both her professional and personal lives.
Leonard Lun (LL): How long have you been an attorney and what type of law do you practice?
Kirsten Mickelson (KM): I have been practicing just over three years. I am claims counsel at Hiscox USA in the tech/media/privacy/entertainment group.
LL: How long have you been a BASF member and why did you join?
KM: I joined BASF while in law school, about five years ago, as a way to stay connected to the legal community. I also joined so that I could use BASF’s resources to make the transition from law school to practice a lot easier.
LL: Can you tell us how you make a difference in our community and how BASF makes it easier for you to do so?
KM: Before going to law school, and all throughout my career, diversity and access to education have been important issues to me. BASF has set up a number of wonderful pipeline programs for diverse high school students, legal clinics for our community members and fundraisers to raise money for worthy causes. BASF makes it so easy for its members to participate (and make a difference) in a number of ways that require minimal effort or time commitment.
LL: How have you made your BASF membership work for you?
KM: I like to take advantage of at least two BASF programs or events per month. That way, I end up meeting someone new and learning about a new aspect of the law that I would not otherwise know about. I love the social aspect of my membership, the continuing education aspect of my membership and the ability to give back to my community in a meaningful way.
LL: What has been your favorite BASF event you have attended and why?
KM: My favorite BASF event is the Justice & Diversity Center’s Annual Gala. This event brings so many members of the legal community together, for a good cause. I enjoy catching up with my friends and colleagues, and meeting new people. I have gone in the past with my dear friend Nicole Harris.
LL: What is your “dream job”?
KM: I never knew being claims counsel at Hiscox USA would be my dream job, but now that I am here, it is absolutely perfect. The company is fun and dynamic, and the work is really cutting edge. Above all, I love my team and colleagues. If my current position did not exist, it would be fun to be an international food critic and travel the world to eat.
LL: Would you recommend BASF membership to other attorneys?
KM: Absolutely. BASF is the best way to stay engaged within the legal community and to meet potential colleagues, clients and friends.
Share your story of how you make a difference and how BASF makes it easier for you. Contact Leonard Lun, Director of Membership, at Don’t forget to renew your membership for 2014! Visit!
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