The Barristers Board of Directors is excited to have Timothy Burr Jr. join the board in January 2015 for a three-year term.
He has been active in the Barristers Club for several years, most recently co-chairing the Social Event and Networking Committee. He serves as a Government Relations Manager at Lyft. We asked him to tell us 10 things about himself:
1. My first job after college was working for Senator Dianne Feinstein in Washington, D.C. I had been interning for her, but the office wasn’t hiring at the time. One afternoon I luckily caught the Senator on the Senate tram from the Capitol to the office, told her my pitch, and was hired later that day.
2. I broke my leg skiing at Kirkwood Mountain Resort when I was 7 years old.
3. In 1987, while the above said broken leg was still in a cast, my dad took me to a Giants day game where Will Clark (my idol at the time, and for years after) tossed me a baseball while we were sitting above the dugout. Not sure I’ve had a happier moment since.
4. After getting in line at 5:30 a.m. in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2003, I made it inside the chamber for the announcement of the Lawrence v. Texas opinion. Spent the rest of the morning trying to make it in the background of CNN video footage so my parents at home in the Bay Area could catch me on TV.
5. I worked as a prosecutor for the Alameda County District Attorney’s office for almost six years until I joined Lyft in October 2014.
6. Between felonies and misdemeanors, I tried over 30 cases while a Deputy District Attorney.
7. I played in a men’s baseball league (fast pitch/wood bat) in both DC and San Francisco, from 2003 until 2013. Finally hung up the cleats last year.
8. I’m a huge Giants and 49ers fan, and have been at Candlestick Park and AT&T for some of the biggest moments, from Bonds hitting number 756 to the World Series.
9. Life as a young lawyer in San Francisco: my first four+ years in San Francisco I lived in a four-bedroom apartment above The Bus Stop Bar on Union Street. Over that span I had FOURTEEN different roommates!
10. I spend a lot of time planning and thinking about snowboard related travel. Had a run of three summers in a row going down to Argentina and Chile to snowboard, and one winter in Alaska heli-skiing. My dream trip right now is to go to northern Japan, although it’s been all talk. Maybe 2015 is the year?
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