In March 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a statewide shelter-in-place order in California. On March 25, 2020, I, alongside Diane Camacho of DLS Consulting Services and Brittny Bottorff of the Law Office of Brittny Bottorff, presented a panel entitled “Change…
When to Stay Away From Him, Her, and Them
In legal and other formal writing, when you don’t know the gender identity of a specific human individual and are not in a position to inquire, it’s best to avoid using any of the singular personal pronouns to refer to…
Risk Management: Collateral Estoppel and Malicious Prosecution
In Alston v. Dawe, 20 Cal. Daily Op. Serv. 7561, a Court of Appeal held dismissal of an underlying action on collateral estoppel grounds may qualify as a favorable termination in a subsequent malicious prosecution claim. To prevail on a…
Embracing the Versatility of They
Success at persuasive writing depends in no small part on establishing credibility with the reader. With that in mind, it is wise to avoid outmoded, archaic phrases and terms—especially those that smack of gender bias and exclusivity. But trying to…
The Importance of Timely Recording Your Time
Attorneys have different reasons for keeping time. Some plaintiff attorneys prudently record time to support a fee award, or to ensure they are paid if they are terminated during litigation. Defense attorneys typically bill by the hour and time records…
Increase Your Referral Network through Lawyer Referral and Information Service Membership
For over 70 years, the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) has provided high-quality service to the public, and there is no better time to become a member of the long-running, award-winning San Francisco-Marin Lawyer…
Increase Your Referral Network through Lawyer Referral and Information Service Membership
In its 70-plus year history, The Bar Association of San Francisco’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) has provided attorneys with opportunities to educate the public about its rights, represent clients in need of legal assistance, and grow professionally. As…
Avoiding Unintentional Relationships When Representing Corporate Entities
An attorney who represents companies, particularly small companies, must take care not to unintentionally create an attorney-client relationship with individual shareholders or partners. The consequences of creating a relationship can be serious if the attorney unknowingly assumes a competing fiduciary…
Artful Arguments
Minor usage error aside, U.S. Rep Adam Schiff wended his way in Trump’s impeachment trial from one stirring statement to the next. U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff’s remarks to the United States Senate during the impeachment trial were replete…
Equifax: The New Standard in Cybersecurity Settlements?
In January, a federal grand jury indicted four members of the Chinese army for hacking into the computers of Equifax in 2017 and stealing sensitive information on 145 million Americans. News about the charges overshadowed another legal milestone in the…
Shedding light on domestic violence
Every minute in the United States, twenty people are abused by an intimate partner. That adds up to more than ten million men and women every year. And it effects more than just the homefront, a recent survey of American…
Shedding light on domestic violence
Every minute in the United States, twenty people are abused by an intimate partner. That adds up to more than ten million men and women every year. And it effects more than just the homefront, a recent survey of American…