The Bar Association of San Francisco mourns the sudden passing of 1991 President Steven A. Brick on June 10. Judge Brick was an Alameda County Superior Court Judge from 2001 – 2015. He began working with JAMS as a retired judge in 2015.
Judge Brick was a longtime active member of the bar, most recently lending his wisdom as a speaker at a BASF CLE seminar just this April.
During his term as BASF president, Judge Brick was interested in working with state and federal courts in California to increase judgeships in order to rid the courts of case backlog and provide the public with prompt access to justice.
Additionally, on April 5, 1991, President Brick testified before a panel of the Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors on behalf of BASF and the Los Angeles County Bar Association. That panel was considering which positions LSC should take on the pending reauthorization bill.
Following the public testimony, they recommended that LSC take positions that were extremely supportive of local legal services, adopting many of the decisions advocated by Judge Brick.
Services were held on June 13 in Berkeley.