BASF will honor the following attorneys with Awards of Merit for their dedication to the association:
Tracy Salisbury
Tracy Salisbury, Shartsis Friese, is receiving an Award of Merit for her service as chair of BASF’s Finance Committee from 2011 to 2015.
During her tenure she oversaw the purchase of a building to house JDC’s Homeless Advocacy Project; administered the merger of the Volunteer Legal Services Program and the BASF Foundation to create the Justice & Diversity Center; and kept an eye on the overall financial health of BASF and JDC.
James Brosnahan and John Worden
In March 2015, the BASF Board of Directors issued a call to action encouraging all members and law firms to give back to our community through pro bono service. A set of pro bono pledges, one aimed at law firms, and one at individual attorneys, urges 50 hours of pro bono service or taking one pro bono matter in 2015.
Thanks to the unwavering commitment and leadership of BASF Justice Gap committee co-chairs, Jim Brosnahan, Morrison & Foerster, and John Worden, Schiff Hardin, the pledges were adopted by the BASF board. More than 225 members have signed the pledge along with 27 law firms.
Tom Meyer and Sharon Woo
BASF’s Criminal Justice Task Force, formed in January 2015, is a diverse group of scholars, lawyers and leaders in law enforcement of the San Francisco criminal justice community. Under the leadership of co-chairs Sharon Woo, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, and Tom Meyer, Esq. the task force formed several subcommittees which investigate the practices and procedures of local law enforcement to remedy, revise and reduce actual and implied bias; to improve transparency; and to cultivate the respect of the communities served by law enforcement.
Together, Woo and Meyer encouraged every task force member to express their individual opinions and they patiently worked to craft task force work and recommendations designed to affect significant changes in law enforcement.
Recently, one of the task force’s subcommittees helped with the passage of state-wide legislation that now prohibits the use of local grand juries in the prosecution of officer-involved shootings that result in death.
The Awards of Merit will be presented at the Annual Membership Luncheon on December 17. Register online at