On November 12, Jeff Bornstein of Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld and BASF’s Julie Traun organized the fourth BASF sponsored trip to Log Cabin Ranch High School (LCR), a unique court-ordered school located 45 miles south of San Francisco in the town of La Honda.
The Log Cabin Ranch volunteer day was inspired by 2012 BASF Stephanie Skaff’s “It Starts with a Day,” initiative.
LCR, run by the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department, houses San Francisco’s most “at-risk” male juveniles for whom criminal charges have been adjudicated. Residents participate in a comprehensive school program that provides educational opportunities, and the necessary therapeutic and vocation services essential to reduce future contacts with the justice system.
BASF volunteers, paired with an LCR resident, spent the day building picnic tables, planter boxes, trivets and more – sharing hard work and meaningful conversations.
Chief Probation Officer Allen Nance did not hesitate to express his appreciation: “It was truly a pleasure to have the BASF volunteers at Log Cabin Ranch on Saturday. I really appreciate your commitment and that of the Bar Association to continue the investment of time, effort, and passion in the interest of the boys there.”
As a surprise, San Francisco Superior Court Presiding Judge Stewart purchased a ping pong table for the school, and during a break challenged the young men to a competition; the winner is invited to attend a Stanford football game.
BASF is committed to continuing this much needed partnership with these bright, capable and outgoing young men at Log Cabin. No one walks away from a day at Log Cabin without feeling deeply committed to these young men, inspired to do more and touched by the potential seen in each of these young men.
Thank you to November’s volunteers: San Francisco Superior Court Judges John Stewart (presiding), Monica Wiley, Tracie Brown, and Commissioner Catherine Lyons, Federal District Judge Haywood Gilliam, BASF President Elect Merri Baldwin, Co-organizer Jeffrey Bornstein, Kris Hermanns, Larry Hobel, Nicolas King, Matthew Kellogg, and Russ Roeca.