We’re proud to announce the launch of our new website.
We’ve spent the last year getting feedback and insight from members, staff and other stakeholders on the design, content and usability of our site. We knew that making the website better than before is not simply about giving it a new design, but understanding what you, as the visitor, needed. That information culminated in a six month complete revamp and the result is what you see today.
What’s in the new website?
The new website’s clean design has more intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation to help you find your way around with ease. But this site is more than just a pretty face, it is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and devices. We hope this fresh look and feel creates a better, user-friendly experience for our trusted and valued members and the public.
And we’re proud that our site works for everyone, meeting the Federal standards for accessibility and readability.
What happens next?
This is just phase one of our website transformation. In 2020, we are will be adding additional features to meet your goals and collaborate more effectively with us.
We’re really proud of the new website and we hope you are too. Check it out at www.sfbar.org