Registration is open for The Bar Association of San Francisco’s Delegation to the 2017 California Conference of Bar Associations (CCBA).
The CCBA is California’s foremost attorney-run legislative body that has for over 70 years provided unparalleled opportunities to create and change California law. For the past five years, the CCBA has sponsored more legislation than any other single entity in the state, with over 60% of CCBA-sponsored bills becoming California Law.
As a member of the BASF delegation, you will:
- Learn how to draft, amend and debate legislation and proposed changes to California law
- Develop pragmatic leadership, deliberation and legislative skills
- Gain direct access to an amazing network of practitioners from bar associations across the state
- Advance your education as California lawyers through exposure to a broad range of legal topics and practice areas
- Obtain 6 hours of CLE credit at BASF’s pre-conference caucuses in August and September, plus up to 6 more at the conference in October
To learn more about the BASF delegation and how it operates, please visit http://ccba.sfbar.org/. To join the delegation, complete and return a registration form which is available by visiting https://www.sfbar.org/forms/ccba/2017-delegation-form.pdf.