We are pleased to provide an update on three Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship recipients who graduated from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in May 2016.
We are very proud of their accomplishments and eagerly look forward to following their careers. We are confident that they will make outstanding contributions to the legal profession and their communities.

Chris Ballard, who wrote an engaging article about homelessness for San Francisco Attorney magazine last fall is studying for the July 2016 California bar exam and thereafter plans to pursue a career as a litigator.

Allyssa Villanueva is currently studying for the July California bar exam. Following the exam, Villanueva plans to take a trip to relax. She was selected as the California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA) Sanford Heisler Kimpel Public Interest Diversity Fellow. In August she will begin the Fellowship at the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center for 6 months then transfer to a firm in the CELA network for the remainder of the fellowship.

Angelo Villarreal is studying for the California bar exam. After completing the exam, he will go on a two month backpacking trip through South America. He plans to travel through Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Columbia.
Following his trip, on October 24, he will begin working as a tax associate at Andersen Tax in downtown San Francisco where he will be doing tax compliance, planning, and consulting work.
For more information about the scholarship program, visit www.sfbar.org/scholarships.