The Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) is a nonprofit voluntary membership organization of attorneys, law students, and legal professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Founded in 1872, BASF enjoys the support of more than 7,500 individuals, law firms, corporate legal departments, and law schools. Through its board of directors, its committees, task forces and its community efforts, BASF has worked actively to promote equal justice for all and oppose discrimination in all its forms, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on race, sex, disability, and sexual orientation.
BASF provides a collective voice for public advocacy, advances professional growth and education, and attempts to elevate the standards of integrity, honor, and respect in the practice of law.

Our Leadership
BASF is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of four officers and 18 directors. Our board members come from a variety of legal backgrounds and law firms of all sizes.
Our Team
BASF's dedicated staff works hard to serve our members, legal professionals, and the community every day. Find out more about BASF's executive team.
News & Publications
Visit our newsroom to see the latest press releases and blog posts. Our award-winning publications include the monthly newspaper, the BASF Bulletin, and the San Francisco Attorney magazine.
Our Mission
The Bar Association of San Francisco champions equal access to justice and promotes humanity, excellence, and diversity in the legal profession. We provide legal services to disadvantaged and underserved individuals in San Francisco. We create opportunities for legal service in the community and encourage participation by our members. We advance professional growth and education, and elevate the standards of integrity, honor, and respect in the practice of law. We cultivate diversity and equality in the legal profession, provide a collective voice for public advocacy, and pioneer constructive change in society.