On Thursday, November 29 2018, from 3-8 p.m. the Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) Women’s Committee: Women’s Impact Network (No Glass Ceiling 2.0) will host its inaugural women’s conference consisting of three short moderated panels followed by a networking reception. The purpose of the event is to provide women with practical strategies and tactics on how to navigate today’s legal environment.
Panel one—“Step In”—is focused on hearing from pioneers of the No Glass Ceiling Initiative who helped to inspire a national conversation on the effects of gender disparities in the profession, in the economy and on significant policy initiatives. This panel will celebrate their groundbreaking work and be joined by other women leaders to discuss stories, best practices, and what they have seen and done following this transformative work to modernize the workplace incorporating women’s leadership.
Panel two—“Step Together”—will be a frank, provocative and constructive conversation with men, who are leaders of the profession, as we navigate the difficult landscape in order to move forward, together; asking what can men and women do together to reshape the culture?
Panel three—“Step Up”—will examine the sociological and psychological patterns behind particular behaviors, and explore what women can do to meaningfully reshape the culture, whether the focus is on day-to-day challenges of personal work-life balance and self-care, or being inspired to affect bold policy and institutional initiatives, or improving organizational communication and environmental equity.
Please join us as we step in, step together and take a step forward in analyzing where we’ve been, where we are and where were going. Register here. For more information in the meantime, please email Samantha Akwei at sakwei@sfbar.org.