On Thursday, February 8, 2018, the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Solo and Small Firm Section hosted its second annual conference. This year’s event boasted an even bigger turnout than last year’s inaugural conference.
The day began with two informative pre-conference workshops presented by conference sponsors Lawyer Business Advantage and Martindale-Nolo.
At noon, Judi Cohen of provided an engaging keynote presentation about how mindfulness practices can enhance an attorney’s law practice and overall well-being. Attendees described Cohen’s presentation as “inspiring” and “wonderful.” Cohen incorporated three mini-meditation sessions into her presentation, and several attorneys have reported that she has inspired them to try practicing meditation.
Stay tuned for more great advice from Judi Cohen: Cohen is writing an article for our upcoming magazine issue on health and wellness in the legal profession. The article will be published in the summer issue of San Francisco Attorney magazine. BASF members – this issue will land on your desks starting June 1.
After the keynote presentation, the breakout sessions focused on various issues relevant to solo and small firm practices: a panel discussion about how to take one’s law practice to the next level; a panel discussion about obtaining minority-owned business certification; a presentation by Dr. Teo Ernst, a forensic psychologist, about strategies for managing challenging interactions with clients; and a panel discussion about how smaller firms can most effectively compete against larger firms during trial.
Attorney and sports agent Steve Baker provided the closing remarks by recounting his own experiences running a small sports agency practice and competing successfully with the much larger firms in the sports business. After Baker’s remarks, everyone gathered for a post-conference reception to socialize.
Learn more about the Solo and Small Firm Section at www.sfbar.org/cle/sections-solo-small-firm.aspx
To see more photos, visit the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Facebook page.