Federal Pro Bono Project

The Federal Pro Bono Project provides information and advice (not legal representation) to self-represented litigants (sometimes referred to as “Pro Se litigants”) in cases in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California by operating Legal Help Centers in the San Francisco and Oakland federal courthouses. When ordered by the Court, the Project also facilitates appointment of pro bono counsel for limited or full scope representation. Appointment of counsel may occur in any civil area of law but often involves federal civil rights statutes related to law enforcement misconduct, employment discrimination, housing discrimination, disability rights, and veterans rights.

For Self-Represented Litigants:

Attorneys at the Legal Help Centers offer advice only, and they advise only on federal civil matters. The service is by appointment only and clients can make phone or in-person appointments. There are no income requirements to visit the Legal Help Centers. The service is not available to litigants who have attorneys or are incarcerated.

To make an appointment, please call (415) 782-8982 or email fedpro@sfbar.org.

For Attorneys Interested in Volunteering:

The Project arranges pro bono legal representation for self-represented, civil litigants when ordered by the Court. A litigant must be Pro Se, lack the resources to retain counsel, and have made meaningful attempts to find counsel.

Many of the cases we place involve federal civil rights violations, such as police misconduct and alleged constitutional violations, and employment discrimination claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Attorneys are appointed either for full-scope representation for the duration of a case or for limited-scope representation, e.g., a settlement conference or other form of alternative dispute resolution.

The attorneys on our panel provide a valuable public service to litigants and the Court, and pro bono cases provide excellent opportunities for attorneys to develop their federal practice skills and experience. Judges appreciate their volunteer efforts and often give constructive feedback.

Self-represented litigants deeply appreciate the access to legal counsel that they could not otherwise afford. Attorneys on the panel must have experience litigating in federal court or have a mentor who can supervise their work.

If you are interested in joining the panel, please email fedpro@sfbar.org.

Hear Directly from Judges and Volunteers about Pro Bono Work in the Northern District

The webinar above provides an introduction to the Northern District of California’s Federal Pro Bono Project and the Federal Pro Se Program. These unique programs offer attorneys a variety of opportunities to assist pro se litigants, from mediation and settlement to litigation and representation at trial.

Panelists include judges who utilize and oversee the pro bono programs discussing the valuable experiences available to attorneys, current volunteer attorneys who shared what it’s like to represent a pro se client, and the attorneys and staff who run the programs in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose.

The webinar was co-sponsored by the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Justice and Diversity Center, the Asian Law Alliance, and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. MCLE credit was not available for this program.