The Bar Association of San Francisco is excited to announce that next week, Leondra Kruger, one of the newest justices on the California Supreme Court and the youngest jurist on any court of last resort in the United States, will be the subject of the annual Sandy Svetcov Memorial Lecture and Interview Series in Appellate Law, Practice, and Policy, hosted by the Appellate Section of the Barristers Club.

The year’s program, the third in a series that has previously welcomed California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Emeritus Alex Kozinski, should be especially fascinating given that Justice Kruger has never before served in a judicial role and there are few public indications of her judicial philosophy or approach. It will primarily consist of an interview, with time for audience questions. Unlike most of our programs, this program will not be webcast.
The program will take place next Thursday, October 22nd, at 6 pm, at BASF.
The program is free for judges, judicial law clerks, journalists, and law student members of BASF, and discounted for everyone else.
We hope you can join us!