Every April, a week is set aside to acknowledge the contributions of your administrative staff. Boss’ Day is celebrated every October. When do you celebrate and show your appreciation for your paralegal/legal assistant and other non-attorney staff members? Did you even know there is a California Paralegal Day?
This year, California Paralegal Day will be celebrated on Friday, June 26 by various paralegal associations throughout the state. The California Alliance of Paralegal Associations (CAPA) will host its annual all day educational seminar in San Jose on Saturday, June 27, 2015. MCLE, including ethics, will be provided.
California Paralegal Day was first celebrated on June 24, 1988, when Governor George Deukmejian signed a proclamation declaring the last Friday in June to be “California Paralegal Day”. Paralegal associations throughout the state traditionally set aside the last Friday in June to hold events celebrating Paralegal Day. The events vary from educational seminars to cocktail parties and dinners. Some associations will host a different event every week during June; others will celebrate just one day. Law firms now recognize paralegals and celebrate with special dinners, spa treatments, a week-end getaway, and entertainment besides the traditional gift of flowers, candy and lunches.
Paralegal Day is not just limited to California. Other paralegal associations across the country hold Paralegal Day celebrations in recognition of their members. Awards for Paralegal of the Year, Pro Bono Paralegal of the Year and Rising Paralegal Star are among the recognition celebrated at these Paralegal Day festivities.
This year, the BASF Paralegal Section will be celebrating Paralegal Day on Friday, June 19 with a social hosted by Golden Gate University. Golden Gate University will present a brief program for paralegals who are thinking about attending law school from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. The social will be from 5:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Come join us and celebrate the accomplishments of these well-deserving paralegals. You may just find your new star paralegal at the event.
About the author:
Victoria Newman is the 2015 Chair of BASF’s Paralegal Section. She currently works as a contract paralegal, specializing in the areas of family law, probate, estate planning, trust administration, and conservatorships.