In 2014, the U.S. trade with Mexico was 92% of our trade with China. The Brazilian economy is the 7th largest in the world behind the U.S., Japan, China and Europe. And yet most lawyers continue to look only at the potential of local or occasionally of national clients in the U.S. when trying to grow their practice. Mexico is so close and yet it is usually overlooked as a place to do meaningful prospecting for more clients.
There are clients in Latin America who have legal matters in the U.S. dealing with taxation, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, IPO or other capital markets transactions, financing/leasing of equipment such as airplanes, both sides of litigation, creating a subsidiary in the U.S., enforcement of foreign judgments in the U.S., immigration issues, purchase or sale of real estate, labor issues at a U.S. subsidiary, estate planning, inbound investments into the U.S., joint ventures, expert witnesses on U.S. law, start-ups, franchises, transportation (cargo and passengers in aviation, trucking, maritime and buses).
The problem is that most U.S. attorneys have no idea how to take advantage of these lucrative Latin American markets. They are often intimidated by the perceived language barrier and lack of contacts in those countries.
Sign up for the March 24 CLE Seminar presented by Jeffrey Silber, a U.S. Life and Business Coach who has lived in Latin America since 1994.
In this seminar, he will show the best ways for U.S. lawyers to meet potential clients in Latin America and how to convert them into current clients. Americans are notorious for making social mistakes due to lack of familiarity with foreign cultures that can cost them the client or the deal. Silber shows you what the main faux pas you should avoid if you want to do business with clients from Latin America.