Past Presidents Reflect

Douglas Young, 2001

Grace, Courage, and the Rule of Law

The Bar Association of San Francisco in 2001
by Douglas Young, 2001 BASF President

It was my honor to serve as President of the Bar Association of San Francisco in its 129th year. I was inducted in December 2000 and served through 2001, which also marked Drucilla Ramey’s last year as the Association’s accomplished and inspirational Executive Director and General Counsel. The year began and ended with significant events: Bush v. Gore was decided in December 2000, establishing that George W. Bush was the winner of the presidential election; and on September 11, 2001, as my term was entering its final quarter (and I was preparing for a Ninth Circuit argument in a court-appointed death penalty case), nineteen terrorists hijacked four commercial airlines in midflight, crashing the planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks (including the hijackers), and the “war on terror” was soon underway.

The year thus presented multiple issues, some local and some with international implications. It also provided rich memories, primarily featuring the grace and courage of the many people – lawyers and non-lawyers alike – who faithfully worked to ensure that justice and the rule of law were honored at every turn.

Among other things, the Association created the Education Advocacy Panel to aid children caught up in the San Francisco juvenile justice system, thus helping them reach their full educational potential and emerge equipped to succeed in life; created and developed the “San Francisco Bay Area Pledge in Support of Pro Bono Services”, which was subsequently adopted by the Bay Area’s leading legal employers; and challenged the rapidly emerging federal orders and regulations that threatened the protections of the Bill of Rights for non-citizens accused of terrorism. Grace, courage, and the rule of law were the sustaining themes of the year. (And the Ninth Circuit argument, which addressed in part the PTSD suffered by a combat veteran, turned out well, too.)

As the Association celebrates its 150th anniversary, it is gratifying to recognize not only its distinguished history but also its ongoing promise under the magnificent executive team, board, and staff, who are leading with grace and courage in support of the rule of law, diversity, and justice today.

2007 Past Presidents' reception group photo. Standing, from left: Douglas Young (2001), Mark Schickman (1996), e. bob wallach (1975), David Heilbron (1980), Hon. Steven Brick (1991), Lindbergh Porter, Jr. (1998), Hon. Jeff Ross (1997); seated, from left: Jim Finberg (2005), Nanci Clarence (2007), Raymond C. Marshall (1994), Joanne M. Garvey (1981), James Seff (1992), Fred Alvarez (2000).


Douglas Young, 2001 BASF president

From Douglas Young's president's report in the January 2002 San Francisco Attorney magazine, titled "2001: The Year That Transformed Us." Click to enlarge.

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