On January 31, 2019, The Bar Association of San Francisco’s (BASF) Solo and Small Firm Section hosted its third Annual Solo & Small Firm Conference: Level Up Your Law Practice. With well over a hundred attendees, exceptional presentations, engaging speakers, networking opportunities, and over a dozen conference sponsors, the conference was a rousing success!

The day began with an informative pre-conference workshop presented by conference sponsor Lawyer Business Advantage. At noon, Andrew Arruda of Ross Intelligence provided an engaging keynote presentation about the use of artificial intelligence in the practice of law – what you need to know today for your practice tomorrow. Attendees described Arruda’s presentation as “fantastic” and “helpful,” and one attendee reflected, “I am now excited about AI!”
After the keynote presentation, the breakout sessions focused on various topics concerning taking your solo or small firm practice to the next level, including: a panel discussion about knowing how and when to add people to your practice; a panel discussion about non-traditional fee structures; a hands-on workshop about leveraging your legal expertise to find the right clients; and a panel discussion about new business development techniques and the ethical rules in play.
We were then fortunate to have an engaging performance by Josh Kornbluth, a comedic monologist. Kornbluth performed an excerpt of his show titled Love & Taxes, providing a humorous discussion of his stint working as a legal assistant in a San Francisco law firm. After Kornbluth’s performance, guests gathered for a post-conference reception to socialize with their fellow conference attendees.
Thank you to all of our sponsors: AHERN, Lawyer Business Advantage, Barkley Court Reporters, LawClerk, ProVisors, Tabs3, Chan + Punzalan, DLC Consulting, Gluck Daniel, SF-Marin Lawyer Referral & Information Service, Next Step Insurance Solutions, Seifert Law Firm, Steven Adair MacDonald & Partners, and WealthCounsel.
Continue the conversation. Join the vibrant community of BASF’s Solo and Small Firm Section. Contact Membership Director Lenny Lun today for more information: llun@sfbar.org
About the author:
Kirsten Scott is a partner with Renaker Hasselman Scott. She advises and represents individuals with various employee benefit and employment matters, including pension and disability claims, medical leaves of absence, unpaid wages, misclassification and severance negotiation. She also represents clients in multi-plaintiff and class actions, including employee benefit and wage and hour matters.